Saturday, May 28, 2011


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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Dowsing Rods

How to Use Dowsing Rods

By Peppermint Thrift

Dowsing rods (or divining rods) have had a few different usages throughout history. The most common use for them is to locate underground sources of water, such as wells or water lines. There are even Dowsers on certain government payrolls who locate water sources for their cities using dowsing rods. Originally, dowsers used y-shaped sticks as dowsing rods. They would hold on to each branch of the y, holding the long end of the stick outward. Holding it out from the body, the dowsing rod will pull the person (sort of a magnetic pull) toward the source of water and possibly shake when finding the source. Dowsing rods can also be made out of a light metal, such as copper. These should be an L-shape and should be held lightly in each hand with the long ends facing out from the body.

Another use for dowsing rods comes from the paranormal world. Believers in spirits or paranormal activity use the dowsing rods much in the same way as described above however they are used in finding sources of spiritual or paranormal activity. The rods used for this purpose are often the L-shaped metal rods. One rod is held lightly in each hand, sort of like you are holding candlesticks. While walking, the rods will pull one way or the other, one should follow in the direction it is pointing to and the rods will cross in the presence of paranormal activity (or a water source). It is believed that spirits hold an electric currency and the rods are attracted to that. However, when trying this yourself, the rods will still go towards water sources as well so may not be as accurate in finding spirits alone.

Dowsing rods do not work for just anyone either, that is why certain people are able to make a living out of finding water sources with the rods it takes practice and maybe something else. However, results do vary from person to person. Just like having any contact with the spirit world, some people have claimed to see ghosts or spirits and others may never be perceptible to this phenomena. This may have to do with one’s own electromagnetic pulls to slight psychic abilities. I have tried to use the rods and have had a normal experience with them, mainly crossing when near a water source. When used by a friend, the rods would point in the direction that the person focused on every time. To the point where I would hide things in the room with the person in the other room, and upon returning, the person would focus the rods in the exact area in which the items were hidden.

Although there is so proof that spirits exist using the dowsing rods is fun nonetheless. There is a strong almost magnetic pull that does occur when using the rods and that is evidence of something, be it electro-magnetism or something else, that is the question. Another question arises in that everything makes energy and how to locate and conduct that energy comes in varying forms and in different ways. Either way, dowsing rods are fun to play with and who knows - with the economy being the way it is, maybe the area you live in may be willing to pay you for your services. Government jobs are hard to come by.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

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Friday, May 6, 2011


Superstitions                                                                       Click Me!
Superstitions have probably been present among us since time immortal. Most of the superstitions origins have been lost within the mists of time, but there are some that you can probably guess the reasons for, - e.g, not walking under a ladder makes sense as someone may be working at the top of it & something may fall on you! You will find listed below a collection of superstitions that are still with us today & probably observed by millions world-wide! This is by no means an exhaustive list as there is literally thousands of superstitions out there!
1. It's bad luck to walk under a ladder:  A leaning ladder forms a triangle with the wall and ground. Triangles represent the Holy Trinity, and violating the Trinity by breaking it (walking through it) would put you in league with the devil himself. Considering what Christians did to those who were considered to be in league with the devil, it's hardly surprising that leaning ladders were avoided at all cost. 
2. Friday the Thirteenth:  The idea that this day would bring bad luck has its roots in both Norse and Christian beliefs. The Scandinavian's believed that the number 13 was unlucky due to the mythological 12 demigods being joined by a 13th, an evil one, who brought misfortune upon humans. Christ was said to have been crucified on Friday and the number of guests at the party of the Last Supper was 13, with the 13th guest being Judas, the traitor. 
3. God Bless You:  The blessing of those who sneeze started when the great plague took hold of Europe. Sufferers began sneezing violently, and as such, were bound to die. The Pope therefore passed a law requiring people to bless the sneezer. At the same time, it was expected that anybody sneezing would cover their mouth with a cloth or their hand. This was obviously to stop the spreading of the disease, but many believed that it was to keep the soul intact. Sneezing 'into the air' would allow the soul to escape and death would be imminent. Up until this time, the opposite was true. Those who sneezed were congratulated as it was believed that a violent sneeze would expel evil from their bodies. 
4. Black Cats:  In ancient Egypt, the Goddess Bast was a black, female cat. Christians, wanting to rid society of all traces of other religions, convinced the ignorant that black cats were demons in disguise and should thus be destroyed. In the process, they also destroyed the kindly ladies who cared for the cats, believing them to be witches. Being demons, a black cat crossing your path would create a barrier of evil, cutting you off from God and blocking the entrance to heaven. 
5. Spilling Salt:  Salt was, during the middle ages, a very expensive commodity used mainly for medicinal purposes. For this reason, spillage was to be avoided at all costs. The idea that it is unlucky to do so probably stems from the belief that Judas spilt salt during the last supper. Throwing spilt salt over the left shoulder is linked to its medicinal use. If it could not be administered, the next best thing was to throw it into the eye of the evil spirits that brought sickness upon us. These spirits were thought to lurk behind your shoulder, waiting for an opportunity to strike. 
6. Fingers Crossed:  This is probably the superstition that is most widely used today. By making the sign of the Christian faith with our fingers, evil spirits would be prevented from destroying our chances of good fortune. 
7. Knock on Wood:  This goes back to the days before Christianity made it's entrance. It was believed that good spirits lived in trees, and that by knocking on anything made from wood, we could call upon these spirits for protection against misfortune

More Superstitions
ACORN - Carrying an acorn on your person will ensure good luck & longevity!
APPLE - You have to eat at least 1 apple every day to guard against ill-health, an apple a day, keeps the doctor away! "
BED - You must never put a hat on a bed. Also you must get out of bed the same side you got in otherwise you bring bad luck upon yourself!
BEE - If a bee flies into your home then you will get a visitor, but if you kill the bee then the visitor will turn nasty!
BIRD - If a bird flies into your home then it is an omen of death!
BRIDGE - If you want to see a friend again, then don't ever say goodbye to them on a bridge!
BROOM - Never take a broom with you when moving house - buy a new one!
CAT - If a black cat walks towards you then it brings very good luck to you - but if it walks away from you, then it takes it's good luck with it!
CHEEKS - If all of a sudden your cheeks feel as if they're burning, then someone, somewhere is flattering you!
CHIMNEY SWEEP - These are regarded as very lucky - so if you see one then shake his hand so that some of his good luck rubs off onto you!
CLOVER - To find a four leaf clover means immense good luck, so keep it safe, if you lose it then you also lose the luck!
CROWS -  To see a single crow is very unlucky! But 2 mean good luck! 3 mean health, 4 means wealth, 5 is sickness & 6 mean death!
DOG -  If a dog suddenly barks for no apparent reason in a house that has a sick person then it means that death is coming.
EARS - If your ear is burning, then someone is talking about you! To determine whether what they are saying is good or bad, remember this rhyme, - " Left for love, Right for spite! "
EASTER -  You must wear new clothes at Easter or you will have bad luck.
FINGER NAILS - Never cut your finger-nails on a Friday or a Sunday as this is unlucky.
HAND - If the palm of your right hand is itchy, then it foretells that money is coming to you, but DON'T scratch it as that stops the money from coming! If its your left palm that is itchy, then scratch away, as that means that you'll soon be paying out money for something!
HORSE-SHOE - A horse-shoe must be hung above a doorway turned upwards otherwise the luck will run out!
KNIFE - There will be an argument if knifes are crossed at a table. Also, if a lover gives you a knife as a present you will soon split up!
LADDER -  Bad things will happen if you walk under a ladder!
MAGPIES - If you see these birds, remember this rhyme - " One for sorrow, Two for joy, Three for a girl, Four for a boy, Five for silver, Six for gold, Seven for a secret, Never to be told. "
MIRROR -  Breaking a mirror means 7 years of bad luck, unless you take the pieces outside & bury them in moonlight. Also, an undisturbed mirror in a house suddenly fall & smashes then it means that there will soon be a death!
NEW YEAR - How you start the year is how you will end it, so you must ensure that you are wearing new clothes & looking your best, have paid off all your debts & are with your partner ( to ensure that you are still with them at the next New year!). Also you must open a window to let the old year out & the new one in.
OPAL - Unless you were born in October, the wearing of an Opal will be ill-fated!
PEPPER - If pepper is spilt, then you will have a serious argument with a friend.
SALT - If you sprinkle some salt on the doorway to a NEW house then no evil can enter it! Also, if you spill some salt then you must take a pinch of the spilt salt & throw it over your left shoulder as the devil waits there & by throwing the salt you are driving him away!
SCISSORS - Dropping a pair of scissors is said to warn that a lover is unfaithful.
SHOES - Never place shoes on a table as it means bad luck for the remainder of the day.
SNEEZE -  Always say " Bless You " after someone sneezes to ensure that the devil hasn't entered their body!
SPARROW'S - These little birds are said to carry the souls of the deceased to the after-life. To kill one means that you will be cursed.
SWAN - A bride must sew a swans feather into her husbands pillow to ensure fidelity!
UMBRELLA - It is extremely unlucky to open an umbrella inside a house.
WEDDING - If a groom drops the ring during the ceremony then the marriage is doomed to failure.
WOOD - You must knock on wood 3 times after mentioning good fortune or the evil spirits will ruin things for you.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Animal Spirit Guides

Animal Spirit Guides or Totems
Invoke animal spirit guides for protection and healing. You can do this by meditation, casting spells, using physical objects or through card-reading.
Working with the energies of different animals can be powerful and enlightening. It can be a comfort to connect with an animal spirit. When we don't live near parks or bodies of water, or rarely get a chance to spend time outside, we can lose touch with nature. By connecting on a spiritual level with the natural world, we can restore a sense of calm, balance and harmony inside. There are many ways you can work with these energies, and many reasons for doing so.

Reasons for Invoking Animal Spirits

1. Upcoming Situations: There may be an event coming up in your life that you feel you could use some encouragement and support with. Connecting with a courageous or powerful animal can help bring these attributes to you and your situation.
2. Healing: Many animals posess healing qualities. Depending on your situation, invoking an animal or animals will help guide the healing process.
3. Protection: There may be a situation where you've given away your power to someone or something. Invoking certain animal spirits can help you connect with inner power, boundaries and assertiveness.
How to Connect with Animal Spirits
1. Meditation: Going into a quiet, meditative space within and asking to invoke an animal spirit guide is a simple and easy thing to do. Find a quiet spot; somewhere you can be alone and without interruption. Calm your mind, relax your body and focus on your breath. When you feel calm and connected, envision the particular animal. You may find that you are walking a path together, or sitting together. Perhaps you are holding the animal or the animal is holding you. Communicate with the animal using words, thoughts, feelings and be open to receive any messages. Be sure to thank the animal spirit before returning your conscious mind back to the physical world. You may find that you received a message from the animal or not - but connecting is in itself very healing and empowering.
2. Casting Spells: Before casting a spell, be sure you are doing it for the right reasons. Casting evil spells is karmic suicide and putting negative energy out into the world is the last thing we need more of. First, find out how to cast a spell, before proceeding. Now, if you are going to cast a spell and wish to use the energy of animal spirit guides, choose your animal for the characteristics it brings. So if you're doing a love spell, choose an animal that symbolizes love, such as a swan or dove. If you are doing a healing spell, choose an animal that has healing qualities such as a frog or turtle.
3. Physical Manifestations: Use small figurines, pictures or jewelry that has pictures (etc.) of the animal spirit you are wishing to invoke. Physical objects make it easy for your subconscious and conscious mind to interact. Every time you see the object, a message is sent to your subconscious, reminding it to be connected to the particular energy of the animal. You can slip these objects into a pocket, or wear them, or have them as ornaments in your home or office, or wherever.
4. Card Reading: This one is a lot of fun. You can buy all kinds of awesome decks for card reading. You can either do it yourself, or have a professional card reader do it for you. This type of communication between you and the spirit world can be very exciting and powerful. You are almost guaranteed to learn something new by using this method.

Animal Spirit Helpers

Invoke Animal Guides for Protection, Healing and Spirituality


Animal guides can help with healing and protection - Trish Hoskin
Animal spirit guides bring certain characteristics with them. You can invoke their energy when you need a boost for protection, healing and spirituality.
Animal Spirit Guides can be a big help when we are looking for hidden answers. As a start, find out more about about animal spirit guides in general and how to connect with these spirits.
Certain animals have certain characteristics. When you invoke the spirits of these animals, you can invoke various energies.


1. Armadillo: Think of the armour an armadillo wears. When under attack, armadillo simply rolls up into a ball, completely protected and safe. She then just waits for the attack to be over and off she goes. She doesn't take any abuse, doesn't suffer from the attack, and is completely protected. Invoke armadillo when you need to establish boundaries in a situation or with a person.
2. Badger: Badger is actually quite aggressive energy. Use badger energy sparingly, because too much can create and maintain a high degree of anger. Badger energy is powerful and can be used when you need to make a point, when you don't want to dice words or add to any confusion. But again, just be careful with this one - if you use too much badger energy, you may come across as abusive.
3. Skunk: Don't laugh! It's true! Skunk is very gentle but powerful. Anyone who has ever got a whiff of skunk knows her power. Skunk is interesting because she is not aggressive and yet is able to keep enemies far away. Skunk also represents "reputation", because everyone knows to stay away from her. Skunk doesn't go out looking for fights. If under attack, the tail is lifted, and away she goes. Like armadillo, skunk's method of protection is non-aggressive. She's sort of like the Ghandi of animal protectors. Invoking skunk means you are putting the energy out there of "Don't mess with me. I'm not going to physically hurt you, but you'll be sorry if you get too close."


1. Turtle: Turtle energy symbolizes Mother Earth. This is a very physical energy, as we are made of earth and then returned to earth upon physical death. Invoke turtle when you are needing to be grounded. This energy is calm, solid and stable and can provide you with feelings of security and the loving acceptance and warmth of Mother Earth.
2. Frog: Frog energy symbolizes cleansing. People who are fasting or doing a dietary cleanse often invoke frog energy. Frog lives both in the water and on land and thus symbolizes a balance or harmony of being able to "go with the flow".


1. Eagle: Eagle represents the Great Spirit. Eagle energy is very powerful and masculine. Eagle can soar high and get a view of everything below. This demonstrates Eagle's connection to the Spirit world and to earth. Call on Eagle when you are in need of guidance, protection and love.
2. Whale: It is said that Whale has been around since the beginning of time and has seen everything that has taken place. Whale is known as the keeper of stories. She's like the living library. Whale energy will bring you inner knowledge, deep understanding and clarity of perspective.
3. Salmon: Salmon energy is known as Inner Wisdom. The salmon spawns upstream, knowing intuitively that the hard work of jumping rocks and fighting white water pays off. Salmon's energy is one of integrity and doing what is right. Don't be confused - it doesn't mean struggling and fighting - it means doing what you know is right, no matter how difficult it may be. Invoke Salmon when you need spiritual strength to do something you are afraid to do.