Monday, November 30, 2020

An Invisibility Cloak


Spell Date:  Monday, April 7, 2014
Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Clary sage
Just as in Harry Potter, we Witches are able to create our own invisibility cloaks. It is also very quick and simple to do!
Ground and center. Align. Gather in beautiful white light, and cloak it around you. Once the light is all-encompassing, feel and see how your own dense body simply melts away into the white light. Your skin, muscle, flesh, hair, blood, marrow, bone ... all becoming sensuous, soft light.
Seal the spell by chanting:

"Cloak of invisibility, I now decree, protect and guard and shield me."
This post was written by Gede Parma on April 07, 2014

What Makes Aromatherapy Work?


Have you wondered how does aromatherapy work? Aromatherapy works when essential oils enter the body by absorption and inhalation through the pores of the skin. After inhalation, aromatic signals are sent to the limbic system of the brain, which impacts the mind and emotions. Aromatherapy oil works in the following two ways:
Aromatherapy Through Inhalation
You could inhale the aromatherapy oil through vaporization, personal perfumes, room sprays and shower gels. The aromatherapy oil is highly volatile and it could enter the bloodstream through lungs when breathed in. The various methods of inhalation are: simple inhalation, mists, diffusion and many more.
Simple Inhalation
Simple inhalation is the easiest method of inhalation where you open the bottle, keep it 6-8 inches under your nose and waft the aroma towards your nose with your other hand. Ensure that you do not touch or breathe on the orifice, as it could reduce the life force of the oil.

Another method is to place a drop of undiluted oil in your hand. Then you could rub your hands together and cup your hands over your nose. Then take a deep breathe and check out your response. If you feel relaxed and content, repeat the process.
Mists are considered to be an inexpensive method of diffusing the oil into the air. Add 10-15 drops of essential oil into a spray bottle containing purified or distilled water. Since water does not mix well with oil, shake the bottle well before misting its' contents. But, remember that oil does not mix well with water.

So, mix essential oils in vodka before you add water to the spray bottle. Then spray up all over your body and then allow the mist to fall all around you. Note that the mist water lasts for about 2 weeks. You could use glass misters or colored bottles. If you make use of glass misters, remember to keep it in a dark place, as sunlight could affect the essential oil.
Diffusion is a method of introducing essential oils into the air for inhalation. There are many diffusers including vaporizers, humidifiers, glass nebulizers and simple evaporation devices. Vaporizers or humidifiers may be used for respiratory problems, including cold and flu. Peppermint oils and lemon oils can be added to vaporizers and humidifiers to oxygenate the air.
Glass nebulizers
Glass nebulizers ionize the oil molecules appropriately to make sure that the droplets are suspended in the air for a long period of time, thus providing maximum therapeutic benefit. Diffusion with glass nebulizers are especially recommended for patients with respiratory conditions. Purification is an evaporation device that could be used for destroying fungus, bacteria. It neutralizes cigarette smoke, mildew and repels insects and bugs.
Aromatherapy through Skin Application
The aromatherapy oil could be applied in the skin through ointments, lotions, creams, massage and compresses. Aromatic oil is absorbed in the skin through the blood stream. The power of penetration is said to be great and the time of absorption could be between 20 to 70 minutes. Methods of direct application are: reflex zones, pulse points and perfumes, compresses, and chakras.
Reflex Zones
Reflex zones are areas on the skin that connect particular parts of the physical body to emotions. Vita flex therapy and reflexology concentrate on the feet whereas auricular therapy concentrates on ears. Sandalwood and myrrh increase oxygenation in various parts of the body whereas valor is applied on the feet to balance electrical systems in the body.

Several zones in the body relate to emotions. The zone of fear responds positively to Bergamot and Ylang-Ylang whereas the grief zone responds to oil blends of Joy or Bergamot. Reflex zones indeed offer contact with the emotional and physical systems of the body.
Pulse Points and Perfumes
Pulse points are found where a major artery runs close to the surface of the skin. Perfumes are usually applied on the wrist or behind the ear for the quick dispersion of the aroma. You may either use single oil, like lavender or sandalwood, or a unique blend of your own.
Compress is an expensive method to get the benefits of aromatherapy. The equipments used are aromatherapy bath salts, bowl of water and a cloth. This method is useful in treating body pains, muscular aches, sprains, varicose veins and respiratory congestion.
Charkas are known to be the spinning vortexes of energy that take in and emit energy. The mental, spiritual and emotional systems of the body are said to be in balance when all the 8 chakras spin evenly. Essential oils like harmony and sandalwood open the chakras. Heart responds well to the Rose oil whereas the solar plexus respond to the Juniper oil.

Aroma therapy is not just about nice smelling oils. What are aromas? Aromas are tiny molecules of liquid that float through the air. These molecules, when inhaled, come into contact with the receptor cells inside the spongy pads along the walls of your nasal passage. Your blood stream absorbs these tiny droplets and transfers it to your limbic system. Limbic system is the olfactory area of the brain and deals with a person's basic drives like hunger, thirst, memories, intuition, sleep, emotion and the like.

The limbic system is actually a link between the two sides of our brain. The left side of our brain deals with logical facts whereas the right side of the brain deals with emotional aspects. Aromatherapy is definitely concerned with the right side of our brain, as odor perception and processing are carried out on the right side of the brain.

Details on Aromatherapy Oils

Bark, roots, leaves, seeds, resins and flowers of plants provide the essence for aromatic oils. The aromatic oil is blended with the carrier oil before usage. Carrier oils include sunflower, wheat germ oils, almond and jojoba. Why is the aroma therapy oil blended with carrier oil? Concentrated aromatherapy oils, if used directly, could have a negative impact on your skin.

Diluted oils are easily absorbed by the skin, thus relaxing you. Aromatic oils that help relax both your body and mind are: Jasmine, Rose, Lavender, Cedar wood, Chamomile, Vanilla, Lemongrass and Ylang Ylang. Vanilla and Ylang Ylang are especially used to reduce stress and can be used in combination as bath oils. Eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil and sandalwood oil can be helpful in soothing the respiratory system.

Aromatherapy oils refresh your mind and impact your moods. The aromatic oil is also effective in reducing your stress and inducing sleep. You are wrong if you think that aroma therapy oils just impact your inner self. Some aromatic oils seem to have a glowing effect on your skin, thus making your skin look healthy.

How to Make Aromatherapy Blends?

Perfume industries seem to rely more on synthetic oils and less on essential oils. So, you could make your own aromatherapy blends. Home-made aromatherapy blends could make your skin glow and bring out the natural beauty of your skin. To make a successful aromatherapy blend, you need to have knowledge about properties of essential oils and experience in balancing different aromas. Let us go through the aromatherapy blending process for toning and cleansing:

Essential ingredients required are: 1 drop of rose essential oil, 1 drop of Lemon essential oil, 2 drops of Lavender oil and 3 Tea spoons of liquid honey.

Add all the essential ingredients to a bowl. Mix the ingredients well and apply it on the face. Leave it on for 7 minutes before rinsing with warm water. Then pat dry and you will find the difference.

Aromatherapy blendsz are usually used for therapeutic purposes such as for aiding acne and easing aching muscles. You can also make your own aromatherapy blends for pleasure. Aromatic blends primarily created for pleasure can also provide therapeutic benefits.

The law of arithmetic does not apply to aroma therapy blending. Note that some oils have synergy towards each other whereas other oils are antagonistic towards each other. It is the responsibility of the aroma therapist to understand the qualities of various oils so as to effectively combine it. Aromatherapy blending necessitates certain safety precautions. For example, you have to exercise caution while using bergamot because of its' phototoxic properties.

http://www.aromacur s-articles/ how-aromatherapy -works.htm


An Experiment in Gratitude


An Experiment in Gratitude

Awareness of gratitude will allow you to savor and, above all, appreciate your life with renewed grace.

Sometimes we forget to take the time to recognize the richness that defines our lives. This may be because many of the messages we encounter as we go about our affairs prompt us to think about what we don't have rather than all the abundance we do enjoy. Consequently, our gratitude exists in perpetual conflict with our desire for more, whether we crave time, convenience, wealth, or enlightenment. Yet understanding and truly appreciating our blessings can be as simple as walking a mile in another's shoes for a short period of time. Because many of us lead comparatively insular lives, we may not comprehend the full scope of our prosperity that is relative to our sisters and brothers in humanity.

If you find taking an inventory of your life's blessings difficult, consider the ease with which you nourish your body and mind, feed your family, move from place to place, and attend to tasks at hand. For a great number of people, activities you may take for granted, such as attaining an education, buying healthy food, commuting to work, or keeping a clean house, represent great challenges. To experience firsthand the complex tests others face as a matter of course in their daily lives, try living without the amenities you most often take for granted. This can be a great experiment to undertake with your entire family or a classroom. Understanding working poverty can be as easy as endeavoring to buy nutritious foods with a budget of $100 for the week. If you own a car, relying on public transportation for even just a day can help you see the true value of the comfort and conveniences others do without. As you explore a life without things you may normally take for granted, ask yourself for how long you could endure.

The compassionate gratitude that floods your heart when you come to fully realize your abundance may awaken pangs of guilt in your heart. Be aware, however, that the purpose of such an experiment is to open your heart further in gratitude and compassion. This awareness can help you attain a deeper level of gratitude that will allow you to savor and, above all, appreciate your life with renewed grace.

Choose Love


Choose Love

Make all decisions from pure love and the world will change.

Love is often presented as the opposite of fear, but true love is not opposite anything. True love is far more powerful than any negative emotions, as it is the environment in which all things arise. Negative emotions are like sharks swimming in the ocean of love. All things beautiful and fearful, ugly and kind, powerful and small, come into existence, do their thing, and disappear within the context of this great ocean. At the same time, they are made of the very love in which they swim and can never be separated. We are made of this love and live our whole lives at one with it, whether we know it or not.

It is only the illusion that we are separate from this great love that causes us to believe that choosing anything other than love makes sense or is even possible. In the relative, dualistic world of positive and negative, darkness and light, male and female, we make choices and we learn from them. This is exactly what we are meant to be doing here on earth. Underlying these relative choices, though, is the choice to be conscious of what we are, which is love, or to be unconscious of it. When we choose to be conscious of it, we choose love. We will still exist in the relative world of opposites and choices and cause and effect, and we will need to make our way here, but doing so with an awareness that we are all made of this love will enable us to be more playful, more joyful, more loving and wise, as we make our way. Ultimately, the choices we make will shed light on the love that makes us all one, enabling those who have forgotten to return to the source.

This world makes it easy to forget this great love, which is part of why we are here. We are here to remember and, when we forget to remember again, to choose love.

Come Together


Come Together

In our world, there is always someone in need of our best efforts to rally a group of helpers and healers.

We humans have a knack for coming together and rising up to our potential in the face of a tragedy. Natural disasters and acts of violence bring us out of our small selves and into the world, ready to lend a hand to those in need. This experience is often life-changing for those who are willing to step into the position of helper. We feel as if we are finally doing something really important, and this leads us to feeling more self-actualized. We feel more connected to the people we are helping, as well as more connected to humanity in general. As we expand beyond the boundaries of our individualistic pursuit of happiness there can be a complete reality shift. We often find that it is much easier to be happy when we are motivated in an effort to make the world better in tangible ways, by coming to the rescue of those who are suffering.

Considering the many benefits of this kind of gesture, it is surprising that more of us don't devote our lives, or at least some portion of our time, to serving people in need. We don't have to wait for a tragedy to come together, as a community or a nation, and offer ourselves to the world in service. Sometimes it's easier, of course, to respond to an event that has just happened rather than to ongoing problems like homelessness, poverty, and illness. But the truth of this world is that there is always someone in need of our best efforts to rally a group of helpers and healers. Maybe we feel discouraged because these smaller acts and gestures don't generate the same kind of energy and attention from other people as heroic acts in the face of immediate disaster, and perhaps an effort to change this is one way to change the world.

The more we promote, applaud, and actively inspire humanitarian efforts in the world, the more others will be drawn to this kind of work. We might pay a little less attention to sports and celebrity gossip and a little more attention to those everyday heroes who devote their lives to alleviating suffering. The more attention we pay, the more we will inspire others and ourselves to be of service in a world that greatly needs our attention.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020





Creating Connections While Apart


If you are apart from your family, you can decide upon a reminder together, and create a simple ceremony of connection that defies any distance.

Life's journeys may sometimes take us away from our families and friends, but there are many ways to stay connected. Aside from making use of the technology available--speaking on the phone or seeing each other from across cyberspace--we can create simple ceremonies using nature and our own thoughts to connect our hearts across the miles.

The first step in creating your ceremony is to look to nature for similarities in the different surroundings. The second step is agreeing upon something that is meaningful to all involved. If your mother loves birds, then perhaps each time you hear a bird chirp, you can think of her and mentally send love. You may choose the sight of a butterfly, the feel of a breeze or raindrops, or the scent of flowers to remind you of a special someone. The pink glow of sunset might be your favorite time to send a thought, or perhaps the warming oranges of sunrise. We can all see the sun, the moon, and an array of twinkling stars when we look to the skies. The monthly full moon may be your time to connect with your loved ones, or the first star you see each night, knowing that they, too, are gazing into the night sky and sending love. You could choose a day that you would usually celebrate together, such as a holiday or a solstice. If you once shared Sunday brunches in the garden, you can each seek out a garden on Sundays. Or you can choose a specific time and account for the time difference in order to connect by heart and mind at exactly the same moment.

With practice, we may learn to recognize the feeling that comes when a loved one sends energy our way, and the feeling of soul-to-soul communication. In this case, distance may indeed make our connections stronger. There is certainly much to make us think of our close friends and loved ones often, but when we decide upon a reminder together, we create a simple ceremony of connection that defies any distance.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020



Crystal/Stone Of The Day

 Crystal/Stone Of The Day

Euclase .

Euclase name derives from the Greek words meaning “easy fracture” which is a trait of Euclase. Euclase is a stone of strength and clarity. It connects the heart to the mind, raising intuition and bringing clarity to your deep self. It’s a very honest stone that wants to constantly bring forth new energy in hopes of ridding unwanted and negative habits. Euclase is also a stone that is able to transmute negative energy into positivity, allowing for that energy to be used elsewhere.
Euclase also has the effects of increasing synchronicities in all our lives. This powerful mineral helps put us on our spiritual path, and once we commit, the synchronicities in your everyday life will immediately increase. All of these events happen for a reason and will soon all come together to complete your spiritual mission.
Euclase helps one to access the Akashic Records(Akashic Record or soul book is like a living data base which contains not only current information about the life you are leading) in order to further this understanding for themselves or others. Euclase transforms negative and dense thought forms. Euclase influences one to act without deception and to “clear the air” of hidden agendas and unhealthy agreements with others. Euclase is an excellent stone to enhance communication skills. The heart chakra is the place where both truth and compassion reside and these qualities are communicated through the throat chakra. Energetically connecting these chakras.

Zodiac Association Is With ~Virgo & Sagittarius.

Chakra Association Is With ~
Third Eye Chakra ~(6th Chakra),
Throat Chakra ~(5th Chakra),
Heart Chakra~(4th Chakra).

Love and blessings,
HPs Gypsy~Love

The First Yule

 The First Yule

Author:   Serenity Starbright Dilsworth (Owl)    

Once upon a time … before your mother was born … and before her mother was born …and even before your mother’s mother was born …. when the world was new and the Earth and the Sun gave birth to the first beings …the very first people … the very first animals … and the very first plants.

It was the season of Spring, which celebrates new life, and the Sun shone warm and smiled down upon the world from his lofty perch in the sky while Earth took pride in all her newborns and nurtured them tenderly and with love. It was a time of great joy!

The Moon waxed and waned and traveled the night skies and Earth’s Children grew healthy and strong through the warm Summer season. They laughed and worked, played and danced and The Earth and Sun watched over them lovingly.

Then came the Autumn season …and the Earth began to sleep longer with every passing day. She grew so tired and was not able to feed her children any longer. She did not have enough strength to bring forth new life. High overhead … the Sun grew distant … and took longer and longer to return each morning. The nights grew longer and cold winds replaced the gentle breezes of the Summer.

Then …one very cold day …the Earth went to sleep. She laid her head down upon a pile of fallen leaves and nestled under a pure white blanket of snow. And she slept … and she slept … and she slept and nothing the Children could do would disturb her Winter slumber. The children called and called to her, but she did not wake up.

The children looked to the skies for advice and comfort from the Sun … but he was so distant that he could no longer be seen at all …and the children were frightened and sad … it was the Longest Night they had ever known.

The people wept and wondered what would happen to them now for it was bitterly cold and the bounty from Spring and Summer was depleting. They were afraid that they would starve and freeze with Father Sun so far away and Mother Earth sleeping.

They went to the Moon … sister to the Sun … with all their concerns and worries … entreating her to have the Sun return and Moon listened quietly.

The Moon gazed upon the children and advised them gently:” Do not fear little ones … go climb the tallest of trees and the highest of mountains … turn your voices to the sky and yule a mighty song to reach the Sun.”

The children had never heard of a yule or a song. (In the Ancient Tongue, to yule means to yell or yodel … to call out loudly in song.) And they asked Moon to explain what it is because they very much wanted to reach the Sun in hopes he could wake the Earth.

The Moon smiled gently. “Look deep within yourselves and find your magick …find that thing that makes you the special person you are … find the thing that brings you joy …take your dreams and your desires … your hopes and your love … and weave all of that together into sound.”

So the children climbed the tallest trees and the highest mountains and closed their eyes to find the magick within them …they brought forth their hopes, their dreams, their joys and their love and when they opened their mouths … their voices rang across the skies in a symphony or harmony and the Sun heard them …he turned and began his journey back … the better to hear this glorious sound.

The closer he came … the more his warmth spread across the Earth … and the Earth smiled in her sleep and dreamt of Spring… The Wheel turned and hope and joy spread amongst the children.

And that …dear children …is the story of the first Yule.

This is an old story that has been told and retold many times. It is one I used to tell at Winter Solstice in the coven I belonged to when I lived in New England. I put it into writing so that the story may be preserved and enjoyed by others and it is my hope that folks will tell the tale to their children who in turn will eventually tell it to their children.

Yule is a time of joy, of hope, of dreams and wishes. On the Longest Night, it is good to gather with those that we love and cherish and stand upon the Earth as she slumbers and call out to the Sun in mighty song to herald his return and the fulfillment of dreams and wishes.

Rowan Pendragon explains: The winter solstice occurs when the Earth is tilted on its axis farthest away from the sun. This means that when the northern half of the Earth is pointed away from the sun at winter solstice then the southern part of the Earth is going to be tilted closest to the sun. This is why when we are celebrating winter solstice in the northern hemispheres our Pagan friends “down under” are celebrating summer solstice. We often celebrate Yule and the solstice on either December 20th or 21st but the fact is the date varies each year since the holiday is based on an astronomical event; when the event occurs is when the holiday takes place.

When the winter solstice comes we experiences the longest night of the year and the shortest day of light. On the night of Yule we first honor the death of the God and the decline of the sun, something that has been slowly happening from the day after the summer solstice. After we make this honoring we then begin to work acts of sympathetic magick to encourage the sun’s return and to aid the Goddess in her long night of labor as she prepares to birth the Son, the Child of Light, the Young God.

Day 1 of Yule – Preparing for Yule 2011 by Rowan Pendragon
Day 7 of Yule – The Return of The Light by Rowan Pendragon

Witches' Sight Incense

This is an all-purpose formula, to be burned while reading tarot
cards, using the crystal, meditating, etc. It is composed of:

Gum Mastic

On a Wednesday, during the waxing moon, take equal parts of the
powdered herbs, mix well, and moisten with a few drops mingled musk
and ambergris oils. (The artificial ambergris will work; ambrette oil
will} do for the musk. If these are unavailable, use clove and

Mix until all particles are moistened, crumbly but not soggy. Let
stand overnight, then pack in jar, leaving the cork slightly loose.

- from Magickal Herbalism by Scott Cunningham

Pushing Buttons


When somebody continues to open our old wounds on purpose, they must be told that their behavior is no longer welcome.

We've all had our buttons pushed to the point where we feel we can't take it any more, and chances are, we've all pushed somebody else's buttons, with or without knowing it. The button pusher may not be conscious of what they're doing, but in the end the buttons belong to us, and we are the ones who must deal with what comes up. The more we take responsibility for our own feelings and reactions, the less tender these buttons will be.

We've all had the experience of having someone snap at us, seemingly out of nowhere. This happens when we unconsciously push a button in someone else we didn't even know was there. This can happen with a complete stranger and sometimes with a person we've known and been close to for years. We ourselves may have a relationship with someone whose buttons we secretly like to push. Buttons are just soft spots that have been touched one too many times, and they symbolize some pain that needs to be acknowledged and healed. This may be a wound from childhood, or some recent trauma, that we haven't adequately tended. Whatever the case, when our buttons get pushed, the person who most needs our attention and caring is us, and blaming the button pusher only distracts us from finding a true resolution to our suffering.
At the same time, if someone continually opens our wounds so that they never have time to heal, we are well within our rights to set a boundary with that person.

Compulsive button pushers, who seem to find pleasure or satisfaction in hurting us, are not welcome in our personal space. In the end, knowing where our buttons are enables us to do the work necessary to heal. Freedom comes when we deal with the pain behind the button, thus disconnecting our automatic reaction to being pushed.

Monday, November 23, 2020

How To Cast A Circle: A Guide For Beginner Witches


Circle casting is one of the most basic practices in witchcraft. Although some witches don’t know how to cast a circle or simply choose not to, learning how to cast a circle is always a good place to start.

I personally cast a circle before I begin spell work 100% of the time. For me, learning how to cast a circle was essential because it gives me the protection I see. Whether or not it works for you is a different story; no two witches are alike. I highly recommend casting a circle at least a few times before you decide whether or not it’s for you!

There are two main reasons that I recommend that you learn how to cast a circle.

Firstly, the circle offers continuous protection from negative energy and entities. While we don’t typically need this protection during every day life, it’s much more essential that we protect ourselves when we’re doing spell work, as all energy and entities (both positive and negative) are attracted to spell work.

This is mainly because we are opening ourselves up to different energy by connecting with the other side. We are also expending a good deal of energy (although we may draw it from other sources, such as the earth), which draws spirits and other types of entities.

Anything out of the norm will call to other spirits. I find that a circle is the perfect way to prevent spirits and entities from disrupting my spell work.

Secondly, learning how to cast a circle will ensure that your energy doesn’t disperse if you lose your focus during spell work. The circle keeps the energy that you gather contained so you don’t lose energy before your spell is complete. You won’t need to worry about losing your energy; it will simply bounce off the circle wall and come back until you’re ready to release it into the spell.

Related Post: Curses, Hexes, and Jinxes: What’s The Difference?

Is There Only One Way To Cast A Circle?

You’ll probably practice one method when you’re first learning how to cast a circle, but there are so many ways to cast a circle that your method may change over time.

Some circle casting methods take up to an hour, some only take 30 seconds. There are formal methods and informal methods. You might speak out loud or talk only in your mind; you can use physical tools or employ visualization. There are plenty of different ways to cast a circle!

The one thing that is consistent is that you must create a circle of energy that both protects you from outside entities and holds your own energy in the circle. Other than that, it’s up to you!

What Tools Do You Need To Cast A Circle?

Theoretically, you can learn how to cast a circle with absolutely no materials. You don’t really need certain items or elements to cast a circle.

Personally, I use one object of each element to cast my circle. For example, I’ll use a bowl of water, a plant, incense (for air), and a candle.

I place elements in in a circle before speaking and visualizing the circle. I then call upon each of these elements to hold the energy of the circle while I’m busy with my spell work.

Alternatively, you can use a crystal to represent each element, or a sigil of each element drawn into the appropriate area of the circle.

I also love using Tarot cards or Oracle cards. I will choose a card that represents each element. This is super fun with Oracle card decks, because no deck is the same. With Tarot cards, there really are no rules, although you can use the Queen or King of each suit if you want to be very clear. I also like using the Major Arcana cards that I feel represent each element.

You might make this circle quite small (on a tabletop, for example), or you might want to create a large circle using your 4 items and sit in the middle of them.

Here are the directions you should place each element:





Some witches will actually draw a circle or make a circle out of salt, leaves, etc., instead of using the elements. I have tried this before and found that it works well, although it can be a bit messy. I prefer this method when I’m working outside.

You don’t need to use any tools at all for your circle if you’d prefer to work with visualization alone. I like using tools because I find that it helps me cast a stronger circle. I’m not sure if this is a placebo effect, but it works!

Related Post: What Kind Of Witch Are You? A Guide To All 22 Types

How To Cast A Circle

Here are the general steps for how to cast a circle. I find that the process is super simple once you get used to it!

Step 1: Cleanse Your Space

First, you need to make sure that your space is cleansed. I prefer to use incense for this. Cleanse yourself, the room you intend to use, and any materials you will use in your circle.

If you don’t want to use incense, you can also use sound or sage. You can even visualize a cleansing with white light and cleanse 100% through visualization.

Step 2: Create A Physical Circle

At this point, you will either place your elements in a physical circle (in front of you or around you: either works) or you will need to take a few moments to visualize a circle of light around you. Make sure that the circle has both a top and a bottom; you should be fully enclosed.

If you want to summon extra protection and energy during your spell work then I recommend using both physical items and performing a visualization.

If you choose only visualization, you’ll need to make sure that you call upon one of the elements for energy. For example, I call upon earth and link the energy of the earth to my circle. The earth will then provide continuous energy to keep the circle intact while I’m working.

If you use your own energy, the circle will fall apart the second you’re not focusing on it, however if you use the earth’s energy and program the circle so that energy flows directly from the earth into the circle you have visualized, then the circle will hold up while you’re busy elsewhere.

Step 3: Call Upon The Elements

At this point, you’re ready to call upon the elements. I find that the strongest circles include all 4 elements. Keep in mind that this is what works for me, but as you learn how to cast a circle, you can tailor these words and steps however you like.

You need to face each element individually and say something that effectively calls upon the element, asking it to work with you to reinforce the circle. Move clockwise as you do this.

Here are the directions and the order through which I call upon the elements:






When I’m casting the circle and speaking to each element, I use my finger to point. I find that it helps me to send out all of my energy through one point. I create a slow circle with my finger as I speak to each element until I arrive back at the North.

To begin, focus on the North and ground yourself. Feel the energy coursing through your body from the earth, through your feet to your head and your hands, and speak something like this:

“Earth, I call upon your power to create and reinforce this circle. Hail and welcome, Earth.”

Turn then to the East and repeat a similar statement, substituting Earth for Air. Continue this until you have spoken to all 4 elements.

I also include Spirit as the 5th element. You can substitute any word for Spirit (God, Universe, Higher Self, or any god or goddess you work with), or you can omit this entirely if that feels right.

Once you have called upon your elements, it’s time to state your intentions.

Call upon the people (spirits) or guides you want to help you with your spell work. This is the time to state what energy may pass through the circle. You can speak in any manner you like.

Once you’re done, say something like:

The circle has now been cast and I am between worlds.

This statement affirms that the circle is secure. If you feel that you must visualize the circle again for it to be complete, feel free to do so.

Step 4: Do Your Spell Work

At this point, the circle is cast. If this is your first practice session then congratulations: you learned how to cast a circle!

Don’t worry if you didn’t do everything perfectly. It’s the intention that truly creates the circle.

Now, you can go ahead and do your regular spell work. Whether you’re actively casting spells or are doing divination work or shadow work, you can safety begin.

My circles hold up for many hours. If you supplied energy to the circle correctly, then you don’t need to worry about it depleting as the minutes pass.

Step 5: Close The Circle

I say, “Thank you, Earth for co-creating with me. You are free to go, but are welcome to stay.” I say that for each element as I move back around the circle.

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How To Cast A Circle: Leaving The Circle Temporarily

When I was first learning how to cast a circle, I didn’t realize that I could physically leave it. I would avoid going to the bathroom or grabbing a drink of water during my spell work because I didn’t want to break the circle.

You definitely don’t need to do that! There are simple and easy ways to leave a circle without damaging the energy.

Once you’ve cast your circle, I don’t recommend leaving it without first creating a door. You can certainly pass through your circle without creating a door, but you might feel a jolt of energy. You may also reduce the strength of the circle if you continue to pass through it, so you’ll need to support the circle with visualization each time you leave.

A much simpler method for leaving the circle involves creating a door. Use your finger or any sharp tool to visually and physically “cut” a doorway to walk through. I recommend that you do this while facing the northeast direction.

Once the door is cut, you can (physically and visually) push the door open and shut it once you’re outside. Do the same when you return back to the circle, then reseal the area.

Make sure that you shut the door on your way in and out so that nothing extra can enter your circle.

The History Of Casting A Circle

Learning how to cast a circle is not a new art. Babylonian magic involved circle casting in various forms; this is some of the oldest recorded magic in history.

Pre-Christianity Pagan religions regularly used magic circles, although these rituals were normally done in groups and were performed outdoors. Celebrations and festivals (often surrounding Pagan holidays) in addition to spell work took place within circles.

Unsurprisingly, the shape of the circle is associated with magic throughout history. At points, circular stone structures were thought to be powerful, just as mushrooms in a circular shape were thought to hold dark magic.

Once Christianity took over, it was much more dangerous to practice magic in the open. Learning how to cast a circle was more important than ever, because it protected the Pagan practitioner from all harm, including disruptions or suspicion from other humans. The idea was that a circle would allow you to cast your spells in peace without anyone noticing.

If you’re interested in learning more about the history of witchcraft and the occult, I recommend this book.

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