Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Herbs for Sleeping & Dreaming


Herbs for Sleeping & Dreaming

There are many herbs used today which are helpful in making our dreams more accessible and for obtaining a good night’s sleep. Sometimes, rather than attempting to actually influence our dreams, it is often advisable when working magically simply to let the content of our subconscious come to the fore. For this we may use the group of herbs known as hypnotics or soporifics. Different herbs work for different people so the order here is alphabetical, without any particular preference:
Hops are often used as an infusion or tincture and should not be used when you are depressed. This herb has an effect on the central nervous system, and can be used when tension is making you restless. Gentle slumber is induced from the hop pillow, causing soothing dreams.
Jamaican Dogwood can be taken combined with hops, although it is a fish poison and should be used with care. It is used in cases of insomnia or broken sleep patterns.
Passion flower acts without leaving any kind of a hangover effect and makes it easy for those who suffer from insomnia on a regular basis to find restful sleep.
Skullcap has a sedative action par excellence. Working on the central nervous system, it is particularly useful in cases of nervous exhaustion.
Valerian, which is included in many pharmacopoeias as a sedative, is used to manage tension and sleeplessness caused by tension.
Wild lettuce is invaluable where there is restlessness and excitability; it is both sedative and hypnotic – that is, relaxing and sleep inducing.
As a gentle remedy, it is particularly useful for children.
Nervines have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Some which are relaxants are Balm, Black Haw, Bugleweed, Chamomile, Damiana, Lady’s Slipper, Lavender, Oats, Pasque Flower, Peppermint and Vervain.
Natural Magic: Spells, Enchantments & Self-Development
Pamela Ball

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