Monday, April 18, 2011

The Domestic Cat as a Spirit Guide

The domestic cat has long been connected with magick and is a popular "familiar". 
This should not be mistaken for a totem. They are distinctly different. Those with the cat 
as a totem have a strong protector and teacher of independence and self assurance. It can 
bring the yearning for understanding of hidden information and encourage you to explore new 
vistas of reality. The cat can teach you the ability to see spirits and give you great agility of mind 
and body. When cat enters your life, you may find yourself (if you are not already a night person) 
discovering new creative energy during the night hours. Cat will help you maintain a balance on 
your spiritual path. Traits usually associated with cats are curiosity, many lives, cleverness, 
unpredictability, healing and witchcraft since in ancient times it was believed that witches took 
the form of their cats at night. If you're a cat person, then you have magic and mystery in your life, 
you're independent! and probably a "free thinker" even if you don't admit it, and you like the night;
probably feel energized at night. You will stay with a person or situation until it bores you, and then 
you're gone. You have a great talent for organizing things, but probably hate the nitty-gritty paper 
pushing to keep it going. Non-cat people can do that. 

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