Wednesday, April 19, 2023

A boy doesn't have to go to war to be a hero; he can say he doesn't like pie when he sees there isn't enough to go around. ~E.W. Howe


To you, woman, that you carry red in your heart, you are like a flame that burns with intensity, your inner fire radiates light and passion, and it is difficult not to notice your presence and your truth.

Your look is a beacon that illuminates your path, and your smile, a ray of sunshine on a gray day, your strength and courage are a destination, and your determination is a guide on your way to happiness.
You are the embodiment of passion and love, a warrior who fights for what she believes in, your courage is a fire that does not go out with pain, and your soul is like an ocean that never ceases to be.
To you, woman, that you carry red in your heart, you are a beacon of hope for others, and your light guides us in the midst of darkness, thank you for being an example of love and truth.

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