Thursday, July 6, 2023

"From now on, I'll connect the dots my own way." ••Bill Watterson

 I was on Twitter and see someone post about making it against the law to groom and mutilate and sterilize children.  I sort of knew what nonsense they were getting at but read on out of curiosity. (For the Record I do not condone mutilating, sterilizing or grooming of children in any way)  I know there are some countries that still practice female circumcision.  That is mutilation.  Some woman called male circumcision mutilation. Male circumcision does not hurt the male in any way.  In fact it makes it easier to keep the penis clean and free of infection and disease.  Aesthetically in my personal opinion an uncircumcised penis is just gross to look at.  Knowing the hygiene of most men I don't want it inside of me unless I have thoroughly cleaned it myself.  This particular Tweeter was pushing an antil Transgender agenda and creating a hysteria that is unwarranted.  I don't know a single parent pushing transition on their children.  I have never heard of a doctor who said "God oopsed on your kid but we can change that right away"

I have no problem with Transgender.  I believe there are people who know from a very early age they are gay.  I believe some folks know they landed in the wrong body.  Is every "Tomboy" a girl trapped in a boy's body? No.  Was my son "gay" or trapped in a girl's body because he used to wear my heels and broomstick skirt and dance around singing "Man. I feel like a woman!"  No.  He was just having fun exploring his world in his way.  He also lilked wearing nail polish when he was little and as a teenager.  Now he is a father and has a beautiful fiance' who I adore even though she is female. 

I have an in person friend who I adore who is transgender.  I have an online friend who I also adore and if I were 20 years younger... who is transgender. I knew both of them before they transitioned.  They were beautiful humans before and they are beautiful humans now.  Do they push their agenda on others? No.  They just want to live there lives as the humans they feel they are without trouble.  I probably have many more friends and acquaintences who are transgender and I just don't know it because it is none of my business unless they care to share it with me.

I have 3 friends with teenagers who are living as the opposite sex of who they were at birth.  I have 3 friends who gave their children the space to explore who they are and live as they are comfortable without judgement and with love.  One friend is an active member of his church and no one else in his family is a member of the LGBTQ+ community. Friend #1 still has family dinners with his siblings and extended family every Sunday and they go on family vacations.  They were probably the subject of most of Norman Rockwell's paintings.  Our schools in our area are not particularly liberal or pushing any agenda. Thankfully we are not Florida crazy and banning books. There was no grooming.  Friend #2 is similar in lifestyle minus the every Sunday church thing and Friend #3 is artistic and free spirited.

I do think that a child or teenager should wait until adolescence is done before having any permanent surgery.  Adolescence is confusing as it is.  All those crazy hormones.  Changes in the body.  They are still growing and figuring out who they are.  Who they want to be.  Who they love and crush on.  Let the hormonal dust settle and if they feel they landed in the wrong body then let them change it to one that is comfortable.  Up until then they can dress, name, and use whatever pronouns feel right.  We should respect that during this time of growth and learning.  Let them lead.  Be open to listen and let them tell us who they feel they are.  Respect it.

My kids now 28 and 21 went through the same school system as 2 of my friends.  They went to pride fest with me as children.  They grew up with a step-father who cross dressed and contemplated transitioning.  They grew up being taught love is love.  If someone is kind to you and others they are a good person.  Their appearance or sexual orientation are not a factor.  Both my kids are straight and in the same bodies they were born in.  That just happens to be who they are.  I must admit it is kind of a shame I did not have at least one child in the LGBTQ+ community because I would have been such a cool Mom.  My son says I am cool and my daughter denies it but spends a whole lot of time hanging out with me.

People need to mind their own business and stop creating unecessary hysteria over things they do not understand.  They need to stop using their religion for hate.  Until some LGBTQ+ mob shows up at their front door with torches and rainbow pitchforks and transitioning lazer guns they have nothing to worry about.  Chances are they may already know and love someone who is part of that community they are bashing and fearing and trying to erradicate.  There is a chance a member of their own family has a need to be themselves and is hiding in fear.  Making your family, friend or neighbor hide themselves in fear serves no one.  I am sure no God would approve.  At least no God worth worshipping.

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