Monday, June 24, 2024

"There is nothing so easy but that it becomes difficult when you do it reluctantly." ••Pythagoras

 In my disappointment

Let me comfort myself

In my fear
Let me reassure myself

In my anger
Let me calm myself

In my stress
Let me listen to myself

In my confusion
Let me organise myself

In my uncertainty
Let me find clarity

In my heartbreak
Let me find healing and closure

In my self-doubt
Let me find confidence

In my loneliness
Let me be at home with myself

In my stress
Let me soothe myself

In my struggle
Let me be still

In my weariness
Let me rest

In my pain
Let me heal and recuperate

In my sadness
Let me purge my emotions

In my failure
Let me recover

And in my regret
Let me release all burdens of the past

So that I may re-emerge
Strong, capable
And ready to take on life once more
~ Dean [Twitter]

"Democracy is four wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch." ~ Ambrose Bierce

 “She cast her fragrance and her radiance over me. I ought never to have run away from her... I ought to have guessed all the affection that lay behind her poor little stratagems. Flowers are so inconsistent! But I was too young to know how to love her...”

― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

“I have only to break into the tightness of a strawberry, and I see summer – its dust and lowering skies.” ― Toni Morrison, The Bluest Eye

 Yet to Come

Rivers often flow in
the same direction.
Moving gracefully
yet with determination,
they go forward.
Forging a new path
through every twist
and turn of the current,
Always in motion like
the passage of time.
So be like a river
and move forward
from your past.
Be mindful of where
you are now and
find joy in each moment
you are given.
Embrace the ebb and
flow of your journey
and flow freely into
the next chapter.
Let go of old chapters
in anticipation of what
is yet to come.
For good things will
come when you see
your life as a river.
So move gracefully
with the flow.
What is meant for you
will arrive.
It will find its way.

~ M. Korach, Twitter

"There is nothing new under the sun but there are lots of old things we don't know." ~ Ambrose Bierce

 Love is the hardest thing in the world to write about. So simple. You've got to catch it through details, like the early morning sunlight hitting the gray tin of the rain spout in front of her house. The ringing of a telephone that sounds like Beethoven's "Pastoral." A letter scribbled on her office stationery that you carry around in your pocket because it smells of all the lilacs in Ohio.

-Billy Wilder

“That weekend the city blushed with a great heat wave but on Monday it rained, cooling the ache in the street’s burn.” ― Daniel Amory, Minor Snobs

 Have you ever wondered why they don't teach kids to write in cursive anymore? It's not a coincidence that they use it less and less.

Writing in cursive means translating thoughts into words. It forces you not to take your hand off the paper, a thought-stimulating effort that allows you to associate ideas.

Cursive was born in Italy and then spread all over the world. The word "cursive" comes from the Latin currere, which means something that runs and flows, because the thought is winged, runs, flies. Cursive is compact, elegant, and clear writing.

Of course cursive has no place in today's world, a world that does its best to slow down the development of thought because it connects neural pathways that can only be connected in this way.

And because Al cannot read it.