Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Let Us Burn Away The Old Programming, Speak To Our Cells And Activate Our Light Body For Upgrades And Integration.

Hello, Cells That Are Listening. I Ask You To Start improving The Process Of Extended Life For Me. I Am Asking For You To Build With Me As I Further Expand Myself Into Love Embrace.

New Daily Inspirational Write-Up For Weds Oct 2

Morning divine masters. How much fire can you get yourself into, how much transmuting are you taking on, how much alchemy are you going through, and how sick can you all get with all these upgrades, downloads, embodiments, integrations, etc? Have you reached the height, depth and bottom of sickness?

Sickness, as it were, is a prophecy-fulfilling mechanism of change,  catastrophic catalytic change in the human physical body.
Change from that which is termed housing genetically, or diseases, or potential diseases and their potential organism that can be inspired not simply through that which is termed integration into the population or masses are being seized upon but through a frequency, 5g towers, that can turn it on. The new diseases for the end of these times, to control the population is in your DNA and genetics.

This particular sickness has to do with burning away that old controlling programming, by burning away and transmuting it to a greater order of existence. To burn away thousands of years of Anunnaki's inbred agenda.

The old has to pass away now, the old genetic control has and must burn away so the new can exist and the old must pass away in this lifetime. The cells of the new, the trillions of cells in you must exist in this lifetime a new. Your cells are ready and they must come about through a definite metamorphize in one's conscious approach to that which is termed the integrating self, to that which is termed what you really are, God-Goddess. It is time to. Ignite your original God Goddess cells. So be it.

The metamorphize of the physical body changing must be expected and acted upon. There was never any initiate that ever went through any school that ever went through the labyrinth, that did not burn with raging fevers, constant pain, that did not have from their body the spoilage of that which is termed lurking potentials of disease of thick mucus coming from all the body.

Every awakened master integrated into the matter has gone through this. It's not simply punishment. There are sick teachings, you must know that teachings have to do with consciousness and energy integrated into that which is termed physics abyss.

You're going to change, change must be absolute and indeed it must be total and when you come out of the fevers and pain you will be different on so many levels. Clear planes, clear-mindedness, it is as if you can cast a stone upon a plane of a certain thought and hear it echo seemingly into the void of forever. That you have arrived at a new level of thought, Being and Master.

It is not a desirable process for the mundane and image-seeking beings who want peace and comfort. This is not for you. But it is for those who for absolution, the marvel of their God Goddess will free them which is really called salvation. Rise I to your salvation. So be it.

Affirmation I now invoke the angels to surround me. Feel the love they have for you.

Hello, cells that are listening. I ask you to start improving the process of extended life for me. I am asking for you to build with me as I further expand myself into love's embrace.

I now release into creator light all cell memories and physical pain associated with a past life, death or torture, trauma, blood oaths that no longer serve me, energies of sacrifice myself, unharmonious relationships vow and agreements, pledges,  karma, that if I take out karma from my body I get sick,  fear, flight, freeze or freight, being a victim,  sabotaging myself from anxiety, judging myself or others, a sickness that can be activated through 5g or other harmful frequencies, I Release now all inherited dysfunction that no longer serves my highest good that is in my cell bodies now, etc.
I Release now on the core, genetic, soul, and history Levels.

Call forth and visualize a powerful light to fill all your God Goddess cells with the light and see every cell in your body is cleansed and purified.

I am the master I am speaking to. I illuminate my cells with a free-flowing radiating creator life force, that nourishes, replenishes, rebuilds renews, etc., my sacred God Goddess temple of the divine. So be it

I choose to love myself. All of myself. All my cells. Yes to my life and lifetimes, I am grateful for this life to unencumber myself, integrate the self, rise into my soul power and then activate my higher mind. So it is.

Chris Parr
Sirian and Lemurian Wisdom And Teachings
Galactic Council Of Light And Love
Agartha Shambhala

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