Sunday, October 27, 2013

Ivy Month

Calendar of the Moon

Ivy Month
Colors: Light blue and dark green 
Element: Air 
Altar: Upon cloth of dark green lay pots of ivy twined up around posts of gold with suns, three blue candles, a vine-painted chalice of water, and a feather fan. 
Offerings: Pray for enlightenment, and to be lifted up. 
Daily Meal: Sheep, goat, or vegetarian using the fruits of the local harvests.
Gort Invocation
Call: Hail the month of the Ivy! 
Response: Hail the month of twining for the sky! 
Call: Where the vine yielded forth the blood of the earth… 
Response: The ivy yields up the winds of the sky! 
Call: Where the vine dulls the mind with happiness… 
Response: The ivy opens the mind with terror and light! 
Call: Hail to the chains of the Maenads! 
Response: Hail to Dionysos and his torrent of madness! 
Call: Hail to the Lady that mates with the Oak! 
Response: She has entwined him, she has wrapped her limbs about him! 
Call: Even his great strength is not enough to stay her! 
Response: She shows that not all strength is standing tall! 
Call: Hail to she who is supported by others…. 
Response: Yet reaches as high as they themselves! 
Call: Show us, sacred Ivy, what it is to rise with the aid of the strong. 
Response: Show us what it is to be borne up by branches. 
Call: Show us what it is to be borne up by hopes. 
Response: Show us what it is to be borne up by the Gods. 
Call: We cannot reach the sky without aid… 
Response: So we entreat you, Ivy, beg for aid for our earthbound hands. 
Call: Teach us that the sky can be gained not only by the straight path… 
Response: But also by the path of the spiral! 
Call: Dance that spiral for us, Ivy, and we shall follow you! 
Response: We shall follow you toward the blessed realms of the Gods.
Turn turn turn again 
Turn wind turn leaf 
Twine o’er the last sheaf 
Turn turn turn again
Blessings and love!

~~~Christine~Lady Luna~~~

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