Sunday, October 27, 2013

Psychic Vampire Awareness Month.

October Considered "Psychic Vampire Awareness Month"
I'd like to take advantage of the the haunting season to make the connection between Halloween and Healing. This includes educating the general public about unhealthful energy exchanges and how to protect themselves from psychic attack. Please help me spread the word by forwarding this email to anyone you think might benefit from this information. I'm also hopeful to educate those who are unconsciously stealing energy from others. Hopefully they will seek help and learn how not to take energy from us...

October Considered "Psychic Vampire Awareness Month"

vampire stick man1Halloween season is when we naturally think about blood thirsty vampires, goblins, spirit visitations2, andhaunted houses3. After all, Hollywood has made a lot of money promoting horror movies that so many of all love to watch over and over again this time of the year. Not sure why we like a good scare. But, I remember watching horror movies televised on the Creature Features4 show as a young teen. It came on late, and my older sister would go to bed early because the show was just too frightening for her to watch.
During the month of October local newspapers will frequently feature articles about psychic vampires5. Why? These features are really about journalists attempting to present a different twist in their annual reporting of the bewitching season. In my region a "celebrity ghost-buster" also gets a nice write-up annually. I'm sure she appreciates the extra boost, which results in free advertising for her investigative ghost services and haunted house workshops each year. 

Many people in the healing community do not care for the label "vampire" when discussing the characteristics of people who drain us emotionally and physically. They feel it is mean-spirited to label them in derogatory terms. And, this is understandably so. These folks are not intentionally "sucking" us by annoying us with their needy personalities, or are they? Nope, most of them aren't aware of what they are doing. But, that doesn't mean we shouldn't be aware that having boundaries in place to keep attention-seeking individuals at bay is needed. Protective boundaries are important.
I also take advantage of using this time of year to make the connection between Halloween and Healing6. This includes educating the general public about energy exchanges and how to protect themselves from psychic attack. I'm also hopeful to educate those who are unconsciously stealing energy from others. Hopefully they will seek help and learn how not to take energy from us... And for these reasons, I'm okay with the label, psychic vampire. Please help me getting the word out about unhealthful energy exchanges by posting this blog to your social media accounts ( Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Reddit, etc.). Thanks!
Are you able to recognize the characteristics of these so-called energy-suckers?
Energy Vampire Traits
  • Feeling alone or abandoned
  • Needs constant reassurance
  • Never feels satisfaction
  • Poor listener, talks non-stop
  • Low energy or easily fatigued
  • Basks in being the center of attention
  • Cannot make a decision without seeking advice from someone else
  • Clingy, projects himself into situations where he is not welcome

Be Wary of Energy Suckers

Understanding How a Psychic Attack Happens

Psychic Vampires
Healing Lesson of the Day
<previous> 10/28 <next>

Psychic Vampires: Traits and Symptoms of
When a psychic attack takes place, the psychic vampire receives an energy surge while the victim experiences fatigue.

People who "suck" the energy of others are called "psychic vampires." This "sucking" takes place when one's energy is depleted and needs to be replenished so he or she "sucks" the energy of another person. It is not unusual for a person who is ill or feeling inadequate emotionally to draw upon or deplete energized individuals of their life force. These so called suckers are not bad people, most of them are not aware on a conscious level that they are doing what they are doing. Still, their unknowing actions can play havoc with anyone who leaves an energetic opening for this type of thievery. It is important for us to be aware that we may be susceptible to having our energies stolen from us and learn ways to protect ourselves. The harm in a psychic attack is that there is no fair exchange of energy and therefore one feels depleted while the other becomes energized.

Traits of a Psychic Vampire

  • experiences feelings of abandonment or rejection
  • needs constant reassurance
  • never feels satisfied
  • seeks nurturing
  • low energy - fatigued

Symptoms of Psychic Attack

  • leaky or diminishing aura
  • dizziness
  • loss of energy
  • muscle tension
  • mental confusion
  • headaches
  • chronic fatigue
  • sleep disturbances
  • irritability
  • depressed mood
  • physical illness

Protection Against Psychic Attack

  • Awareness: Become aware of which individuals deplete your energy and limit your contact with them.
  • Invoke the White Light: Visualize a bubble of white light7 surrounding your auric field.
  • Energy Shields: Carry protective amulets8.

Psychic Vampires

People Who Take Energy from Others

Psychic Vampires
Luc Beziat / Getty Images

The name psychic vampires immediately reveal our attitude toward people who take energy. Not as obvious, it also reveals our attitudes toward the people from whom they take. A vampire is a taker who drains its victims.

To help and heal ourselves and each other, we must first recognize the person who is taking energy from another person can only do so if the person they are taking from agrees to it on some level. Freedom comes when we stop projecting our fear of powerlessness onto others, blaming them and victimizing ourselves.

Permission to give or take does not need to be granted on a conscious individualized basis. It comes from an underlying attitude about giving and taking.

Our experiences in life all include give and take in varying degrees and mirror back to us where we are on the spectrum selfishness and selflessness. Selfishness and self-centeredness are generally viewed as undesirable traits. Selflessness is usually viewed positively. Both require balancing.

Those who give selflessly without balance can become doormats or martyrs or may "kill with kindness". They may find it difficult to say "No." Those who take without thought are often very kind people who have learned inappropriate ways to get energy. They may also be obviously selfish and thoughtless of others. These are examples of opposite ends of the spectrum. Most of us sit somewhere closer to the middle and as with all living things our abilities and balance fluctuate.

The giver's attitude of willingness creates an opening that enables a taker to connect to the giver. Connecting to each other, although generally unseen, literally creates a physical connection that we just do not see with the naked eye. The Hunas have spoken about these connecting "cords" for centuries. More recently Phyllis Krystal, a therapist from California, has developed a technique called Cutting the Ties That Bind6, a method of working with or cutting serious ties that prevent us from being us.

Those we mistakenly call vampires are not necessarily bad people. For instance a friend once connected to me very deeply while we were working on an intense project together. Eventually the energy being drained from me made me ill physically. I was extremely weak, dizzy and having heart palpitations. My friend was driving me to the various doctor's appointments and helping in any way she could. Neither of us knew she had connected to me in this fashion. It took a mutual friend, an intuitive, to tell me what was happening. In meditation I prayed for guidance and saw the cords between us. I envisioned myself pulling some of them out one by one. I envisioned cutting other cords with scissors. My health improved in three days. My friend and I spent a day together talking about the experience and forgiving each other. She was horrified at what we had learned. She loves me and would not hurt me for the world.

How To Stop Psychic Vampires from Draining Your Energy

If you suspect you are a giver - you must become clear you play a role in the experience and you are no longer willing to do so. Say firmly and clearly aloud, "No one else can have my energy. My need to give is fulfilled through healthy means." You may see yourself doing service work or another healthy form of giving. Take time to get quiet or to meditate and ask to see any unhealthy lines connecting you to another that are affecting you then. Visualize severing those ties in whatever way comes to you. It helps if you know the person you are severing from but it is not essential. Do this clearing, affirming, meditating and severing until you feel you mean it and it is complete. Relief and new energy will follow within a few days. Bless and forgive everyone involved, including yourself.

How To Stop Stealing Energy from Others

If you are a taker you must become clear you are no longer willing to play that role. Say firmly and clearly aloud, "I now receive all the energy I need in healthy ways. Energy comes to me easily from the earth, from the air, from Divine intelligence. It is everywhere and I willingly accept it from healthy places and in healthy ways. I always have all the energy I need."

Whether you are a giver or a taker, you will likely need to practice this over time. You will learn to recognize physical sensations that go along with someone connecting to you. For me it is light headedness and dizziness. For you it may be different. Pay attention. Your body will tell you. Both the giver and taker are simply trying to have their needs met. Both are seeking balance. Both have complete control over the situation through managing their own attitudes lovingly.
 Are You A Psychic Vampire?
You answered 9 items out of 20 Yes.
Your score is 45%. You are showing tendencies of being an energy-sucker, perhaps you didn't realize that you are harming your own energy when you suck energy from others.

 How Vulnerable Are You To A Psychic Attack?

You answered 7 items out of 20 similar to how a psychic vampire would respond .
Your score is 35%. You seem to be pretty balanced energetically, continue to pay attention in keeping your protective boundaries in place.

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