Thursday, October 29, 2020

Evolving The Spirit

 Evolving the Spirit
Karma isn't the only thing that can set up thought patterns and actions in your life. How you think affects the way you feel. Our own thought patterns effect the health of our body, mind and spirit. Basically you're creating an uneasiness or "dis-ease" in your body, by the way you think and feel and approach each situation in your life. So each emotional thought pattern is really an underlying "cause" of a physical illness, or emotional situation in your life.
We all set up recurring thought patterns in our subconscious that affect how we live our life. These patterns could be self doubt, a lack of confidence, or emotional perspectives based on how you interact with others. These thoughts can come from societies preconceived notions about the kind of person you are, from family and friends, and from your own views about situations you have experienced in your life.
If you are a person who has been through many failed relationships, you could develop a thought pattern that causes you to expect failure in any new relationship that comes your way. Which is a way to set up a self fulfilling prophecy, even when your own "expected perception" is wrong.
Allowing these thought patterns to reside in your subconscious, allows them to dictate your choices in life, which at times can be detrimental to self-growth and enlightenment.
 Making Change In Your Life
So how can you change old patterns and release karma? What simple exercise can you do each day to help the evolution of your spirit? Through the process of Acknowledgment, Acceptance , Forgiveness, Action and Letting Go.
You can't release something until you know it exists or are willing to admit it exists. So you first have to acknowledge the situation.
Once you've faced the fact it does exist, you have to accept it. That's part of unconditional love of the self. To accept the characteristic or action without judgment and to just accept it with love.
Now that you've accepted the pattern, give yourself a break and forgive yourself for taking on this pattern. You're human and we all do this. No one expects you to be absolutely perfect. So don't expect that from yourself. It is what it is, you've acknowledge the pattern and you want to change it. There's no reason to feel regret or guilt, you can't change the past. But you can change the future. Focus on that.
Action and Letting Go.
Now the Action to correct these thought patterns, or repay this karmic debt can be implemented. In affecting change in your life, you are letting go of the past and moving toward self-growth and enlightenment.
 Using Affirmations for Healing
One way to help bring about change in your life it so focus on replacing negative thinking with positive thinking through affirmations. Affirmations are a way of reprogramming the subconscious to think differently and to automatically react in a more positive way when trigger situations occur in your life.
For instance, if you have problems with anxiety, you can use an affirmation to alter the underlying thought process associated with this ailment. First thing to do is understand what causes your anxiety. The underlying metaphysical cause of anxiety is "Not trusting the flow and process of life."
Affirmation Example:
I am the embodiment of the Great Spirits,
I trust the process and flow of life.
I love and approve of myself . I am safe.
And So It Is.
It sounds simple, but reciting this kind of basic affirmation can do a lot to change your thoughts and automatic reactions to situations that bring up anxiety in your life.
 Creating An Affirmation
You can create your own affirmation to address patterns you want to change in your life. There are a few basic characteristics to remember.
The Divine Self
The first part of your affirmation should connect your physical mind to your subconscious Higher Mind or Divine Self. Such as one of the following:
- I am the embodiment of the Great Spirits,
- I can make change because I am one with the Divine Spirit,
- I am one with God,
- I am a divine creation of the Universal Spirit
The Corrected Thought Pattern
The second part of your affirmation corrects the negative thought pattern you're trying to change. This is done on a subtle level, you don't want to focus on the pattern but rather the corrected pattern. So if you're trying to stop sabotaging relationships, don't focus on the negative action. Rather your affirmation should focus on the new positive reaction. Here are a few examples:
- I am open and accept love into my life.To be open for a loving relationship.
- I choose to create a life filled with joy.To change patterns of sadness or anger
- I move with ease through time and space.To move forward and stop living in the past
- I freely take in new ideasTo be more accepting of change in your life
A Statement of Action
Next you want to put the new thought into practice with a statement of action. You can use one or two sentences to do this. But keep them short. Here are a few examples using the corrected thought patterns above.
- I love and approve of myselfStart a loving relationship with yourself
- I am happy and see beauty in all thingsBe happy and appreciate your life
- I look forward to the future with joyFocus on the future with excitement
- I adapt to the new with easeAccept and work with changes as they come easily
Embedding the Affirmation In the Now
The final part of your affirmation is to set it in stone as something you are doing now. Not something you need to do, or need help doing. But rather something you've already implemented into your life and are doing in the here and now. The best way to put a fine point on that is to simply end your affirmation with So It Is, or Amen.
So Mote It Be, is a very common pagan saying that is basically asking to "let it be". It's a petition of action. An affirmation should be an action that isn't waiting for approval, but rather has already been enacted by the subconscious. This is ok for a prayer or incantation, but not an affirmation.
So It Is and Amen, in contrast are solemn ratifications of an expression of faith. They are a hearty approval that the previous statement has been asserted into reality.
 Using Affirmations
Affirmations are designed to change your subconscious thought, which will require a light meditative state of being when they are recited. That doesn't mean you have to sit down and prepare a meditation space. Simply taking a moment to focus your being on your Divine self, seeing and feeling your connection to the Divine force in your life and then reciting your affirmation is all you need to do.
An affirmation is recited at least twice a day. Typically in the morning when you rise and at night before you go to bed. The best method is reciting your affirmation 3 times a day, in the morning, at lunch and at night.
There are many ways you can write your affirmation to remind you to read it. Here are a few examples to help give you some ideas:
  • Mirror Method
    Place a copy of your affirmation on a mirror you use in the morning and at night. Each time you look in the mirror, read the affirmation and really feel yourself pulling the words into your Divine self.
  • Visual Cards
    Place multiple copies of your affirmation in various rooms or places you spend your time in during the day. At home on the fridge, on your mirror, in your office at work, next to your bed, or even in your car. Recite your affirmation while you're sitting still and take a moment to focus on it's words and see them being imprinted on your subconscious mind.
  • Using Your PC
    One of the most creative methods I've heard of, is using your PC's screen saver to pop up a graphical image of your affirmation. I've seen people use a simple text scroll for their affirmation, to a little more creative graphical image that has the affirmation with a supporting picture next to the words. Each time the screen saver pops up, the affirmation is read.

    Another PC idea is using the wall paper feature on your PC to hold your affirmation. This way you see the affirmation when you first start up your PC, and then again when you close all the applications before you shut your PC down for the night.
 Existing Affirmations
There are three affirmations created for general purpose, channeled by Rev. Michelle Lusson, D.D. a renowned author, teacher and channel. These affirmations were given to Dr. Lusson to help the human spirit with the process of spiritual evolution. They are used to address general self growth and advance spiritual enlightenment. These affirmations are called The 3 Healers, Faith, Hope and Charity.

Affirmations For Change

Karma isn't the only thing that can set up thought patterns and actions in your life. How you think affects the way you feel. Our own thought patterns effect the health of our body, mind and spirit. Basically you're creating an uneasiness or "dis-ease" in your body, by the way you think and feel and approach each situation in your life. So each emotional thought pattern is really an underlying "cause" of a physical illness, or emotional situation in your life.
Allowing these thought patterns to reside in your subconscious, allows them to dictate your choices in life, which at times can be detrimental to self-growth and enlightenment.
One way to help bring about change in your life it so focus on replacing negative thinking with positive thinking through affirmations. Affirmations are a way of reprogramming the subconscious to think differently and to automatically react in a more positive way when trigger situations occur in your life. You can read Affirmations Evolving The Spirit to learn more about
- why and how to change negative thought patterns
- how an affirmation is formatted
- how to create your own affirmation
- how to use affirmations in your daily life.
Thought PatternAffirmation
Anger -
Always feeling angry, reacting to situations with anger.
I can because I am one with the Divine Universe
I live in peace and harmony within myself and with the world.
I am safe, secure and approach each day with joy and compassion.
And So It Is.
Anxiety -
Not trusting the flow and process of life.
I can because I am one with the Divine Universe
I trust the process and flow of life.
I love and approve of myself . I am safe.
And So It Is.
Controlling Behavior -
Tension, trying to control everything.
I can because I am one with the Divine Universe
I am safe and allow others to be who and what they are.
I face each day with love and compassion.
And So It Is.
Criticized -
Feeling unloved and criticized. Holding strong resentments.
I can because I am one with the Divine Universe
I am the embodiment of Divine Creation.
I love and approve of myself, and see others with love and compassion.
And So It Is.
Defeated -
Always feeling defeated, unsuccessful or feeling like a failure. Feeling trapped or thwarted.
I can because I am one with the Divine Universe
I now discover how wonderful and prosperous I am.
I approach each day as a winner with love and joy.
And So It Is.
Defeatism -
Feeling "what's the use", "It won't work anyway"
I can because I am one with the Divine Universe
I choose to live with joy in the here and now.
I face each and every day with empowerment and joy.
And So It Is.
Disliking The Self-
Not accepting or disliking of self.
I can because I am one with the Divine Universe
I am a Divine expression of life.
I love who and what I am at this time of my life.
And So It Is.
Fear -
Living in Fear. A need for protection and constantly judging the self.
I can because I am one with the Divine Universe
I am the physical embodiment of Divine Creation.
I am safe, secure and face each day with joy and love.
And So It Is.
Fighting Life -
Not trusting the flow of life.
I can because I am one with the Divine Universe
I trust the process and flow of life.
I am at peace. I am safe and secure.
And So It Is.
Financial Woes -
Financial worries, lack of financial support
I can because I am one with the Divine Universe
All I need is always taken care of. I am safe.
I put my faith in the hands of the Divine Spirit.
And So It Is.
Guilt -
Constantly feeling guilt of the past, holding deep remorse.
I can because I am one with the Divine Universe
I lovingly forgive myself. I am free from the past.
I rejoice in the coming day and life with freedom and joy.
And So It Is.
Hatred -
Self hatred or loathing.
I can because I am one with the Divine Universe
It is safe to be me. I choose to love and enjoy myself.
I care for and honor myself with compassion and respect.
And So It Is.
Hopeless -
Feeling constantly hopeless or helpless.
I can because I am one with the Divine Universe
There is always a new and better way to move forward.
I am strong, filled with hope and joy through each and every day.
And So It Is.
Inflexibility -
Being inflexible and guilty
I can because I am one with the Divine Universe
I am flexible and allow others to be who they are.
I am safe and free to enjoy and rejoice in life.
And So It Is.
Insecurity -
Feeling insecure, fear, feeling a need for personal protection.
I can because I am one with the Divine Universe
I love and approve of myself as a creation of the Divine Spirit.
I am safe, secure and filled with confidence in who and what I am.
And So It Is.
Lack of confidence, Self assurance.
I can because I am one with the Divine Universe
I am a perfect creation of the Divine Spirit.
I love and approve of myself, walking each moment with confidence and joy.
And So It Is.
Lack of Emotional Support -
Feeling unloved and unappreciated
I can because I am one with the Divine Universe
Life supports and loves me.
I approve and love myself with compassion and respect.
And So It Is.
Loneliness / Lack of Love -
Longing to be loved or held.
I can because I am one with the Divine Universe
I am open and accept love into my life.
I love and approve of myself.
And So It Is.
Low Self Esteem -
Not feeling good enough.
I can because I am one with the Divine Universe
I am the physical embodiment of Divine Creation.
I approve of myself and face each day with joy and love.
And So It Is.
Putting everyone else first.
Over mothering, Overprotection, Overbearing attitudes.
I can because I am one with the Divine Universe
I take in and put out nourishing actions in perfect balance.
I care for me and allow others the freedom to be who they are.
And So It Is.
Overwhelmed by the Past -
Longstanding emotional problems, not resolved or solved.  
I can because I am one with the Divine Universe
I release the past with compassion and love.
I am safe, at peace and face the future with joy.
And So It Is.
Rebellion -
Rebelling against authority
I can because I am one with the Divine Universe
In my world I am my own authority, for I am the only one who thinks in my mind.
I approach each and every day with joy and compassion.
And So It Is.
Scattered thinking -
Never feeling centered or balanced.
I can because I am one with the Divine Universe
I accept the Divine perfection of my life.
I center myself in safety and security.
And So It Is.
Segregated -
Feeling segregated from the rest of the world. Denying your own power.
I can because I am one with the Divine Universe
The world is safe and friendly.
I am safe and at peace with life.
And So It Is.
Stuck / Restrained -
Feeling stuck or feeling like someone is always on your back.
I can because I am one with the Divine Universe
I release the past and am free to move forward with love.
I approve and support myself . I am strong.
And So It Is.
Victimized -
A feeling of blame, feeling constantly victimized
I can because I am one with the Divine Universe
I see all my experiences from a higher perspective through the light of the Divine within me.
I am safe, strong and confidant in who and what I am.
And So It Is.


Faith, Hope, Charity
The 3 Healers

 The 3 Healers
There are three affirmations created for general purpose, channeled by Rev. Michelle Lusson, D.D. a renowned author, teacher and channel. These affirmations were given to Dr. Lusson to help the human spirit with the process of spiritual evolution.
These affirmations are called the 3 healers, Faith, Hope and Charity.

Faith ~

I believe in the spiritual existence of myself
as a perfect image of the Divine Creator.
In this reflection that is my physical embodiment,
I have faith in the supreme guidance of my soul
for my balance, my needs, and my opportunities.
Outside of myself there are also perfect images,
and nothing can delude my thinking otherwise.

Hope ~

Acknowledging my faith in the omnipresence of my Divinity,
I hope for realization, awareness and acknowledgement
of the existence of the Great I AM within myself.

Charity ~

In understanding faith, in knowing hope,
I pledge my actions, my desires, and my thoughts
to the performances of myself on the physical planes
of the earth, to honor to love and to enlighten
all that is a reflection of the Divine outside of myself
so that my perfection is imaged back to my Creator.
So help me God(s).

So It Is.


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