Thursday, October 29, 2020

Living Life With Intention

 Living Life With Intention

Author: Aoibhin [a WitchVox Sponsor]
Posted: August 19th. 2012
Times Viewed: 842

I have always been a very out spoken person, and never had a reason or want to change that and as my parents would put it the rebel. That is until one thing, a simple object set a fire to my soul and pushed meaning into my life. You see I always had my own habits and a very Pagan out look on life. I'm sure my parents knew I was Pagan before I did. Little things like not passing a person in need without offering a hand, I never passed a collection bucket without tossing in my loose change, or even shy when it came to speaking my mind when things rubbed me the wrong way. Things such as abuse and hate. Yes these soft spots in my nature even turned into habits my children would form. Once a year my kids must do a charity work for the greater good, and they stand tall in their actions no mother could be more proud.

Then it happened. I was shopping in a small craft store that sold all kinds of ins and outs when I came across a bracelet. Not much to the common eye but a moving statement to me. It's on a thin leather band with a plate that reads, " Live life with intention" not sure of its full meaning but enjoying the look and feel of it I made it mine. I put it on my wrist and didn't think much of it for about a week. On another shopping trip it happened to remind me why I bought it. You see my car, like that of many Pagans, shows my pride in my faith with colorful bumper stickers and a small broom from my mirror. As normal I got in and turned my key looking up only to see a small flyer on my windshield. Curiously I removed it and began to read.

The flyer contained bible verses and a few underlined in pin quotes about burning in the pits of hell. Looking around I noticed my car was the only one with this new item. Kinda hurt by the judgment passed on me, I got in my truck flyer in hand. My hurt soon turned to hate and I searched the flyer for clues as to who would do this to me I felt singled out and alone, ready for the pitch forks and fire when the sunlight pouring from my window hit the plate on my bracelet almost blinding me. I moved my wrist and looked down... "Live life with intention”. Anger left me and intention filled my soul. I had never felt so full of belonging. It wasn't anything to get mad over but a lesson to learn from. It wasn't this person's fault they didn't know me; all they saw was my religion and a stereotype that is casted on us.

I couldn't hold their "Walt Disney" views of me against them, they simply where not fully understanding of our faith. My mission was set and off I went. I needed to help end stereotypes through education. Easy enough I thought, until my nosedive in the shallow end of the pool. Wow, it’s not easy but anything worth having is worth the fight. The Internet would be my best friend in this battle. I also would have to come out of the broom closet. So Mote it. Out I am and I'm very proud of who I have become.

No longer do I have fear of peoples reactions of me, I now help education them. When approached with flyers and views I simply smile and use my words. You see with education there is power, power to over come fear. Fear that holds people back from wanting to learn about our faith and to take away that fear ends stereotyping. They often ask me if I know and have read the Bible I can say yes I have. I talk to them as an equal and have learned how to inform them I don't turn green or have a wart. Your kids and pets are safe around me.

I have now found that I ask my Coven to do the same. I ask that we view every day as a chance to learn. I teach them that anger has no place in our hearts, and we need to help others find the light in whatever path they choose. No even as much as we would like we can't move mountains, but we can pack away one stone at a time. I want them to know it's one thing to say I'm Pagan and mean I'm Pagan

I posted a thought of mine to the web the other day and it read like this... " It seems science has come up with a pill to cure almost everything, however in all our medical advances we can not cure ignorance. Ignorance is what fuels hate and intolerance. No, only with education can we start to cure ignorance. So it seems logical that we start at the root of the problem and cure laziness, has that is what holds back from education."

In conclusion I ask that as a religion we live with intention. That we don't do damage by putting stereotypes on people. That we remember as we pass the needy that one day that could be us. That we sacrifice time from our busy lives to help another, be it through education or work. Time is the only true thing we have to give in this life, it’s so easy to forget that fact. Don't get upset over the small things just let them pass. Act in a manor that makes you proud and show morals that make others proud to know you. Pagans have lasted so long due to the fact we can conform to change and still hold strong to our undying love to our faith and Goddesses and Gods.


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