Thursday, October 29, 2020

The Angelic Script

 The Celestial Alphabet


Also known as the Angelic Script, this alphabet is derived from Hebrew sources. During the early centuries, after Christs' death, a few scholars began a serious study of the Angelic Kingdoms. At the time, Christianity and religion were both serious business. Strict rules and politics governed who could and could not share information about these beings. Study of these messengers and beliefs were strongly scrutinized by the political forces of the time. Disobeying or undermining the political and religious governors of this information was severely punished.
It was during this study that the names of the Angels were derived by altering the original Hebrew alphabet. These new symbolic variations were now considered to be "of God" and "Holy" images sent to man by the messenger Angels. This new alphabet can be laid out in a variety of combinations or sounds to achieve a desired result.
Perhaps it's that last statement that drew early pagans to be interested in the Angelic Script, which is sometimes called the Celestial Alphabet. There's not a distinct starting point for when the alphabet found it's place in pagan magik or ritual. There are only theories and suggestions based on early writings, oral stories or anthropological research. Certainly it was a popular tool amongst witches and wizards during the dark ages. Regardless of the exact starting point, the script has long been a part of pagan magik and rituals. Utilizing their symbology and strength of the name of the associated angel in spells and incantations, as a sigil or for a variety of other empowering or synthesizing tools during rituals, in writings or prayer and meditation.
The following is a recreation of the Angelic Script and their associated names. You can see in the imagery of the symbols how these might have been utilized as sigils for casting specific types of magik. Or how they might be combined to generate a combination of energies within a ritual.

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