Thursday, May 23, 2024

“No rain but thunder, and the sound of giants.” ― Mike Mignola, Hellboy, Vol. 9: The Wild Hunt

 One day, the lotus spoke again. "You remember me? The flower that grows through the mud?" I did. I said as much. "Have you ever considered my significance? I'm everywhere - art, religion, nature.... Have you ever wondered why?"

... It spoke, "Nothing touches me. I radiate beauty. You can do the same."

"How?" I asked.

"Easy," it said. "I grow in a pond. I take the water and nutrients I need to grow and let the rest sink to the bottom. What's in mud, anyway? Water, nutrients, life and a little bit of sludge. Let the sludge go like I do. Then stand tall above the leaves.”

― Dawn Casey-Rowe, Don't Sniff the Glue: A Teacher's Misadventures in Education Reform

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