Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Without desire, everything is sufficient. -Ryokan Taigu. 1758-1831-

 Somehow, in recent years, one thing has increased very frighteningly.

The twistedness: never before have empathic-feeling and anti-empathic-feeling people been so recognisable in their being and on a collision course.
Yet one thing is clear: every anti-empath feels suffering just as much as the empath does as soon as it hits him or her. So what kind of people are they who nevertheless live in charity against the Golden Rule?
How can there be any anti-empahtics at all if they have all experienced suffering?
I say the Golden Rule of Charity because pure charity can also be seen as anti-empathy.
We know this from the popular saying that one crow does not peck out another's eye.
That is why the Golden Rule is part of every religion without exception, because the basic core of the importance to get ahead is always that everyone is taken care of. What love has to put up with is sheer insanity.
Never have the opposites been so palpable... God or aliens ... Flat earth or round ... Real stars or artificial matrix... Compassion or greed... With each other or against each other... Chemtrails vs Climate Protection etc.
Devil vs God.
How do you reach the heart of the heartless when pure reason and knowledge are no longer enough?
Does violence have to be the only way to give ignorance no more room?

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