Tuesday, May 21, 2024

"There are no unfulfilled dreams, there are abandoned desires."

 "Dream of a world of understanding,

Where demanding change
Is simply given,
Not driven through aggression.
That true
Environmental passion,
Is treated, rationally, internationally
Across the land;
Wherein all will understand
The concern not to kill or burn,
But renew.
Make a vow to all;
Allow the globe to turn,
To grow,
Into a world where no one need fall.
Sow the seeds of hope,
Dream of untouched trees,
Unspoilt habitats of butterflies and bees,
A beautiful healthy home
Where all creatures roam free.
Dream of a world where greed
Does not possess us,
Where less equals more,
Opens upon the sustainable door.
Dream of a world beyond extreme,
Of energy renewed; of new hope pursued,
Pollution, not our last solution,
A world unconsumed by poisoned fumes.
We are not forlorn; worn out, alone,
In our words we are known.
There is great wealth in knowledge,
When we acknowledge truth.
Let us dream of a better land,
Understand that the choice
Of change is within each hand,
Never beyond our each.
Begin or end,
Time is no friend to the silent."

~ Save the Planet Group

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