Tuesday, August 6, 2024

"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek." ••Barack Obama


What Is The Magical Child And What Is The Benefits Of Healing, Restoring, Realigning, Rebalancing And Uniting With The Magical Child Within.

New Daily Inspirational Write Up For Monday Aug 5th

The Magical Child knows the highest truth possible, ex, where ever your attention and focus is you create. You create your reality you are living. Life is a gift and it is yours to learn to receive it. The Magical Child holds a secret power with the life force energy, an innate healing life force power, ex to heal. Every word that you speak from the Magical child is pure wisdom, every breath is a power of creation, every action is a living experience of your highest truth, ex, Christ lived the principle of God in a man body and so can you.

The Magical  Child has access to the higher realms, multiple dimensions, unlimited information, knows everything about you, knows your desires, unprocessed thoughts, wants, history, what's to come, what has passed, identity, sexuality, about everything to the core of the being of your life and lives.

The Magical Child teaches you to forgive others including your self and find joy in everything you have been through and are currently going through. The Magical Child teaches you to free your self.

The Magical Child within will never judge you, never criticizes you, you do not need to explain your self to your own Magical self, this beautiful part of you knows everything about you and knows everything how to assist you. The Magical child loves you without condition.

Let's first Start by acknowledging and recreating a relationship with our Magical child. Where is the Magical Child within, The Magical Child is the part of you that loves unconditionally, the part of you that knows the highest truth and always tells the truth no matter what, ex, no little white lies, will tell you straight up if you got the job, if the relationship will work out, if you can trust that person or not, straight up, ex, no b's I do not feel right about the person. The Magical Child is the part of you that forgives, that cares about you without condition or restriction, that feels hope, dreams, has faith and loves all life.

Now is the time to totally forgive your self and others  by connecting with the kingdom of heaven within, connecting with and rising into your own salvation, generating compassion, gather the inner freedom flame, connecting to your Lord God/ Goddess of your being, blending with the Magical child within, you then free your self and rise to your Magical self, your Magical Child within.

The Magical Child within, will teach you to love again and at a deeper level of all aspects of you, others and life and assist you in turning all your Shame into remorse of blissful freedom.

Yes to life.

Chris Parr
Sirian And Lemurian Wisdom And Teachings
Galactic Council Of Light And Love
Agartha Shambhala

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