Thursday, August 1, 2024

“Everyone has to find the right path. You can’t see it so it’s hard to find. No one can show you. Each person has to find the path by himself.” –Charlie Knight, UTE


What would a master be like all day long? Not a master of the past, but a master of today...You wake up in the morning: ’I am magnificent. Everything that happens to me today, I will see with the eyes of my Higher Self. I’ll behave like a master would behave. I will look for compassion and God and love in everything I see. And every time I do it, I’m going to get a little younger because that’s what compassion and love do...’ Don’t take the day off, do what you do everyday... Think about situations and how you might react, meditate before you go out the door, and make an affirmation: ’Dear Spirit, this day I’m a master. Dear Spirit, bring to me the things that are gifts, that I can walk through them as a master.'

  • Kryon

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