Friday, August 2, 2024

"If your dog doesn't like someone you probably shouldn't either." – Unknown


When was the last time you had to propel yourself out of the chair or couch or bed or floor or wherever to adjust that damn "horizontal hold" knob on your TV to get the picture to hold still?

As TV technology advanced, the efforts the viewer went through diminished to the point that adjusting the various color controls and vertical hold and whatever else your particular TV had (some even had a 'fine tuning' knob, often a part of the channel changing knob) became a rarity then, as old TVs were replaced with newer, a cast-aside task allowing the viewer to never approaching the TV since remote controls allowed distance channel changing.

That lack of movement by the masses of USA denizens may have led to the current corpulence crisis as obesity becomes evermore common in the lard-laden USA.

(turn your head 90-degrees to the left or right to allow the vertical hold problem shown with the graphic to magically become a horizontal hold problem. Assuming the you normally hold your head in a vertical position when interacting with your computer)

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