Monday, July 13, 2020

The Groovy Aquarian Christ: Jesus From a Pagan Perspective

Author: Althalos90 
Posted: November 24th. 2013 
Times Viewed: 1,164 

About two thousand years ago, a great avatar walked this earth. He was perhaps the most influential figure in the history of humankind. Sent by Source itself, he spread a message of love and charity that coincided with the Kabalistic tree of life. His powers were inhuman, and his insights were profound. His name was Jesus Christ.

Now, don’t get flustered because I mentioned Christ! Jesus was sent by the divine to teach humans the message of the universe by using their beliefs to get through to them. Just like Krishna, Mithra, and Buddha, Jesus had a powerful connection to the universe. When he died, the Church was supposed to be handed down to Mary Magdalene and kept alive by women. His hopes were to keep the goddess in the church, for he knew the Age of Pisces would obscure his vision if it were left with anyone else. And of course, when the Church was wrongly handed to Paul, the Piscean energies twisted the true meaning of the Bible into something totally different.

Today, traditional “Christianity” believes in literal translations of the Bible, all because of the Age of Pisces. Piscean Jesus failed at his mission! Or did he? Perhaps this whole experience of a false Church was made to prepare us for what is to come- the Age of Aquarius! The Age of Aquarius is a glorious age of exploration, sexual liberation, experimentation, and free thought. Beginning during the sexual revolution, the Age of Aquarius is ushering in the more enlightened period of humankind. 

When we look back on the history of the false church, we can see that the very core of a human’s spirit has been oppressed. That core is curiosity. This system of lies perpetuated by the patriarchal society tries to tell us what we are and aren’t supposed to do. But that happened during the old Piscean times. We are now breaking out of our shackles and reclaiming our power as divine beings of the universe.

When the Goddess was removed from the church, an extreme set of ideals was placed upon us. For a period of time, the Mother seemed to disappear from western culture. She may have still been evident in the worship of Mary, but Protestantism took her away even more. In some parts of the world the Goddess remained, and still does today! And now, during the beginning of the Age of Aquarius, she is returning. What better way to bring in the new era but with a new prophet? A new avatar to lead us away from the darkness and into the light.

The new prophet was brought forth on the Venus transit. This holy child is the one who will destroy the false church and lead us into the true light of the divine source of all things. This beacon will be the one to enlighten all of humanity. Some speculate that this child is literal. Somewhere on June 6, an actual baby was born who will be the Aquarian Christ. Some say Aquarian Christ is a state of consciousness. Let’s explore these ideas, shall we?

What if this new form of consciousness that came at the great shift (December 21st, 2012) was seeded during the Venus transit? I have heard some people say Venus impregnated the earth and now the “child” of pure consciousness grows within her. This shift is the return of Christ in the form of consciousness. With this new shift, humanity can begin to move forward. This would make sense, seeing how there was a huge boom in technology during the 20th century as humans moved towards Aquarius. This new consciousness will lead humanity to destroy the false church and lead us back to nature and balance.

Now let’s look at the other idea. What if during the Venus transit, a literal baby was born to be the “messiah” of the Aquarian age? I mean it would make some sense. But to me, a child being born on the Earth to destroy the church sounds like a plot to a 70’s horror film. I’m not sure what to think about this idea, but we can deduce that such a child would have to gain a major influence over the country and would have to capture the attention of the ignorant. While that may have been easy to do thousands of years ago, it isn’t now. People are too cocky. They think they know everything and they believe they have taken the mystery out of life. Nowadays, if a messiah came in the form of a human, they would surely be diagnosed as crazy, or deemed a con man by the majority. Therefore, I do not believe this would be a reasonable thing to happen, seeing how humanity has changed so much since the times of Jesus and Buddha. 

Personally, I believe the story of Christ is a symbolic tale of the great shift in consciousness that happened at the dawn of the age of Pisces. Higher-level beings sent us messages in the form of spiritual knowledge, and wise people put it into stories to help us understand the overall message of it. The Bible has great lessons to teach when you don’t take everything literally. In fact, I consider it to be one of the most powerful grimoires in existence! 

Did you know, the early Jews did not believe in a literal translation of the Bible? It definitely has very profound spiritual lessons. I guarantee that if the authors of the Bible saw people actually believing in a talking snake, they would do a facepalm and laugh. They knew something great and powerful was happening. They were master diviners, sorcerers, and astrologers. They knew a shift was coming from the higher beings and they tried to help humanity before it was too late. And they were too late. When the message of Christianity spread, the people of the Age of Pisces twisted the whole around. This is why I sometimes refer to modern Christianity as “Churchianity.”

On June 6, 2012, an amazing thing happened. The earth was seeded with the spirit of the next round of Christ consciousness. On the winter solstice of 2012, the God was reborn (as in the modern Wiccan mythos) , thus rebirthing Christ in the form of magickal thought! Christ is an energy that will help us usher in the Age of Aquarius. He/She does not want to condemn us or punish us. The true Christ wants us to live in perfect love and perfect trust. Christ is energy of balance, order, and magick. If we can learn to trust this shift, we can go back to the Goddess and ultimately into heart-center.

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