Monday, July 29, 2024

An Empty Society Leading others astray Until one fine day Truth comes to Light the Way


Spanish translation ....

I hope that one day we will rediscover true love, the love born of sweet looks, letters and love poems.
The kind that didn't require perfect bodies or beautiful faces, but that it was enough for two hearts to beat to the same rhythm, to be joined together and alone.
That the hands, seeking each other to join and not to let go, that the mouths sought each other to kiss and not to hurt, that the bodies were reserved and preserved with faithful devotion, only to share their warmth with their beloved.
Let them not let the butterflies in their bellies fly in search of the pollen of another flower, for theirs is as beautiful as they know how to care for it.
I hope that... That such love is not yet extinct.
And I hope you can appreciate it when it's in front of you.
-Enrique Gallegos

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