Monday, July 22, 2024

"Life is slippery. Here, take my hand." ~ H. Jackson Brown, Jr


Been climbing the Ladder of Life

Rung by rung
For a very long time
Each rung filled with deLIGHT
As well as DARKness
Happily nearing the top
Much to my amazement
Touching white fluffy clouds
Treasure their spoken words
From time to time

At this stage of my climb
So Very Weary of man's egregious behaviour
Toward ALL Living Beings
Upon Mother's life sustaining body
Am totally willing and able
To hide in the protective arms
Of My Loving Creator God
To escape the atrocities I witness ~ abhor
On This Wonderous Planet Earth
Who Serves ALL Life Well

© W🌻F   7/21/2024

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