Monday, September 9, 2024

“Rain clouds come floating in, not to muddy my days ahead, but to make me calm, happy and hopeful.” ― rajuda

 Have you ever met someone who pauses after they hear something, taking an extra moment before responding?

I love that. 🧡
I think of that little pause as the "art of calm.”
There is a small window of choice between taking in information, and responding to it.
By taking a little more time before responding to people in person or on social media, we give the heart and mind more space to avoid reaction - and to organize a useful action - keeping us in alignment with the source of all peace.
Peace and calm don’t just happen.
We practice them. 🧡
And when we practice peace and calm, we BECOME more peaceful and calm.
May peace be your companion and love be your guide. 🧡

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