Wednesday, September 11, 2024

"The greatest distance in this world is not that between living and death. It is when I am just before you, and you don't know that I love you." ~ Rabindranath Tagore ~

 Every prayer of compassion showers rays of compassion upon the earth. 

Every thought of love, cast into the heart of another, showers rays of love upon the earth. 
Every recognition of our oneness showers rays of joy upon the earth. 
Every song of solidarity showers rays of unity upon the earth. 
In spirit we are one family.
May we contribute to peace in our world by remembering:
Every prayer for peace and every thought of peace showers rays of peace upon the earth. 
May our prayers rise together for all those in need of peace today.
May we honor the memory of September 11, 2001 by loving each other, by lifting one another, by taking a break from judgment, by being kind in thoughts and words. 

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