Tuesday, September 10, 2024

“Some people talk to animals. Not many listen though. That's the problem.” ― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

 Be brave and face your fears. When you do, they will turn into friends and be fiercely protective over you, because you showed them love and mercy instead of hate. You have courageously embraced them as they gave you their name, one by one. You respect yourself enough to look at these darkest corners and places that are you. Looking them straight in the eyes as you give them your undivided attention and acceptance.

As you love these parts of yourself they will start to transform into your spiritual guides with so much more to say and teach you. Instead of closing your heart down, you decided to open up more than before.
Along the way and inside your travels, you opened up your ears. You decided to listen to their sacred wisdom and edifying words. What they have to say is intimate as they are talking just to you. Our lessons for healing come to us in so many different places, frequencies, vibrations and faces.
Don't abandon or ignore them, they will create more lessons of suffering, until you decide to listen. It's time to accept who they are, and it's time to learn to also love these parts of you. Don't neglect them, if you do, consequences will follow until you get real and face yourself. This action of neglect is you turning your back from seeing all of yourself and that creates more suffering as it stifles your entire being and lowers your personal vibrations.
The best question to ask is who are you? As soon as you do, they will tell their name and story. As they tell you, they will give you an opportunity to embrace and alchemize your reality with them.

  • Rachel's Heart
  • =============================

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