Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Esbats-Working by the Moon

Esbats: Working By The Moon
Working By The Moon
Just as some pagans take a rest during the major Sabbat holidays, they also identify some special days on which to work. The Esbats are considered to be these days and nights of work. These are often known as the Moon Celebrations.
These are also the festivals to honor the Goddess essence of the Divine, balancing the Sabbat festivals which typically honor the God essence. As with the Sabbats however, that doesn't mean you can't include the Gods as part of your ceremonial rituals. These rituals are associated with the Moon, where as the Sabbats are associated to the Sun or the change of seasons.
Spells can be conjured during these times for specific uses and some magikal practioners believe the spell will take the full cycle of the moon to take hold. Regardless of the timing, what is important is your intent during the conjuring and once you have concluded your ritual and closed your circle, let it go and allow the God/Goddess to deliver the energy.
The Moon festivals are broken down into the phases of the Moon and can be associated as follows.
New Moon Energy
Used for personal growth, healing and blessing of new projects or ventures. It's also a good time to consecrate new tools and objects you wish to use during rituals, ceremonies or an up coming festival.
Waxing Moon Energy (1st Qtr Moon)
Between the new and full moon is a period of the Waxing moon. Used for attraction magik, love spells, protection for couples and healing energy for couples.
Full Moon Energy
Used to banishing unwanted influences in your life. Creating protection magik and performing divination. Setting up plans and releasing old patterns or issues are all. Full Moon magik can be conjured during the 3 days prior to the rise of the Full Moon, the night of the Full Moon and during the 3 days after.
Waning Moon Energy (Last Qtr Moon)
Between the full moon and the dark moon is the period of Waning moon. Used for banishing and rejecting those things that influence us in a negative way. Negative emotions, diseases, ailments, and bad habits can all be let go and special spells for clearing can be performed at this time.
Dark Moon
The Dark Moon period occurs 3 days prior to the New Moon. This is the time when you can't see the moon in any phase. Typically no magik is performed during this time. This is the time to give yourself a break, to turn to self and pamper or replenish your own energies. Vision quests and deep meditations are called for at this time to focus on personal matters, questions and answers.
The Monthly Moons
The rotation of the earth produces 13 Full Moons during the year and each one has a magikal name or association.
Wolf Moon
Storm Moon
Chaste Moon
Seed Moon
Hare Moon
Pair {Dyad} Moon
Mead Moon
Green Plant {Wyrt} Moon
Barley Moon
Blood Moon
Snow Moon
Oak Moon
Blue Moon
28-day cycle *
* Blue Moon:
Occurs when the moon appears twice in the same month during it's 28 day cycle. This typically occurs in those months with 31 days. It is also called a Goal Moon and is used to set goals for your life. It can be used to acknowledge your failures and review the lessons behind those situation to improve your life and set new goals specifically for those issues.
Harvest Moon:
Is the Full Moon that appears nearest to the Mabon festival. It can be used specifically to call in favors or to add extra protection.
It's a good idea to sit down with your yearly calendar and mark the moon phases and holidays for the coming year. Some pagans use Samhain to make this part of their New Year ritual and preparation for the coming year.

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