Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Healing Correspondences

 Healing Correspondences

The Wicca Handbook by Eileen Holland


Animal: dog, serpent, two entwined snakes


Candle: white, red (for organic healing)


Colors: white, blue, green, gold, orange, magenta (for spiritual healing)


Element: All, fire to destroy disease


General: angels, Alauwaimis (a “demon” who drives away sickness), Nanan Bouciou


Goddesses: Artemis of the Thousand Breasts (or Beasts, this could have been a typo from the book), Athena, Brigit (who heals by poetic incantations at sacred wells), Carmenta, Earth Goddesses, Gaia, Hygeia, Inanna, Ishtar, Isis, Kadesh, Kupala, Meditrina, Moon Goddesses, Panacea, Sarasvati, Sekhmet (Lady of Life), Spes (for the healing power of drug-induced sleep), Sulis Minerva, Tara (Queen of Physicians)


Gods: Adonis, Asclepius the Healer, Apollo the Physician, Baal Marqod, Babalu-Aye, Belenus, Chiron the Centaur (the Wounded Healer), Dian Cecht (who makes whole again), Govannon, Hercules the Healer, Hermes, Khonsu, Marduk (Great Healer), Mars Ocelus, Mercury, Paeon (Healer of All Ills), Raphael, Shakaburu, Thoth, Vishnu


Incense: cedar, cinnamon, eucalyptus, frankincense, ginseng, pine, rosemary, sandalwood, violet


Number: 1, 3, 7, 9


Plant: (For charms, not medication!) adder’s tongue, amaranth, anemone, angelica, apple, balm, balm of Gilead, barley, bramble (blackberry) , burdock, calamus (sweet sedge), cannabis, carnation, cedar, horse chestnut, cinnamon, citron, coriander, cotton, cowslip, cucumber, cypress, dock, elder, eucalyptus, fennel, flax, gardenia, garlic, geranium, ginseng, hazel, laurel, lime, mandrake, milkweed, mistletoe, mugwort, pine, plum, potato, rose, rosemary, rowan, rue, saffron, sandalwood, wood sorrel, thyme, vervain, violet, willow, wintergreen


Planet: Sun, Earth, Full Moon, waxing Moon for increased health and the power of healing, waning Moon to banish or diminish disease


Stone: amber, bloodstone, jade, ruby, green agate, sapphire, turquoise, jasper, jet, aventurine, hematite, garnet, coral, diamond, emerald, beryl, carnelian, peridot, amber and amethyst (for psychological healing)


  • Amethyst for addiction and compulsive behavior
  • Aquamarine to soothe the heart
  • Moonstone to balance harmones
  • Opal, onyx, moonstone for emotional balance
  • Pearl for emotional clarity
  • Peridot for mind/body balance
  • Pyrite for vitality
  • Ruby to heal a relationship with a father
  • Sodalite for physical healing


Bedouins wear gemstone necklaces for healing




Bleeding – Mud-kesda (Blood Stauncher)


Childbirth – Alemona (health of an unborn child), Aruru, ‘Aveta (the Midwife), Brigit (safe delivery), Candelifera (who brings newborns into the light), Carmenta, Eileithya (She Who Aids Women in Labor), Freya (easy childbirth), Hannahhannas Hecate (final stage of labor), Heket, Lucina (She Who Brings to Light), Ninhursag (Lady Mother), Toci


Children (see also Newborns) – Edusa (who nourishes children)

            Plant (as charms only!) – pomegranate blossoms for stomach ailments in children, daffodil for teething pain


Cough – Plant: black hellebore root


Depression – Charms and spells may ease the blues, but serious depression requires medical intervention.

            Planet: Mercury

            Plant: lemon balm, rosemary, sage, St. John’s Wort, wild thyme, valerian, lemon verbena, blue vervain, yerba mate

            Candle: pink, yellow

            Metal: Gold

            Stone: carnelian, coral, garnet, fire garnet, carbuncle, lapis lazuli, sardonyz, sapphire, sodalite, tiger’s eye


Disease – Gula-Bau (Great Physician), Sha’taqat, Hatdastsisi, Hayenezgani (diseases caused by witchcraft)

            Plant: hemlock, mugwort, woody nightshade, rue


Epilepsy – Plant: anise, peony root, vervain


Eye Problems – Yen Kuang Niang-Niang (who cures ophthalmia), Bugid Y Aiba (who restores failed eyesight)

            Plant: polygonum root


Fatigue – Plant: mugwort, southernwood


Giddiness – Plant: combs made of rosemary wood


To Heal Sick Cattle – Plant: St. John’s Flower


To Heal the Heart – Plant: cuckoo flower


To Heal a Broken Heart – Branwen (who cures passion), Oenone (who heals jealousy and remorse), Tara (Queen of Physicians, who heals sorrows)

            Plant: balm of Gilead (poplar buds, carried as close to the heart as possible)


Health – Ganga , Hygeia, Paraskeva-Platnitsa (health with marriage), Babalu-Aye, Lubanga, Salus, Teharon

            Color: red, green

            Number: 7

            Stone: agate, aquamarine, carnelian, peridot, jet, pearl, ruby

            Animal: serpent

            Plant: anemone, ash, caraway, carob, camphor, coriander, ferns, figwort, rue, St. John’s Wort, wood sorrel, sunflower, tansy, thyme, walnut


Hemorrhoids – Plant: lesser celandine


Herbalism – Greine, Morgen (herbal cures), Acamede (who knows all the drugs that grow on Earth)


Hysteria – Plant: pennyroyal


Impotence – Uliliyassis

            Plant: yohimbine


Infection – Plant: southernwood


Leprosy – Oreithyia

            Plant: white poplar leaves


The Limbs – Khnum (who knitteth together and strengtheneth the limbs)


Long Life – His Wang Mu, Takotsi (Our Grandmother Growth), Ushas, Fukurokuju, Junrojin, Shou-hsing, Shou-lao

            Plant: angelica, cypress, lemon, peach, sage, tansy


Mental Disorientation – Plant: pennyroyal


Newborns – Juno (for a healthy baby), Juno Lucina, Lucina (eyesight of newborns), Mayin (who breathes life into newborns), Weri Kumbaba (speedy recovery after circumcision)


Pain – Achelois (She Who Drives Away Pain), Kwain-Yin (who frees from pain), Achelous (He Who Drives Away Pain

            Stone: aquamarine, jasper


Pestilence – Plant: angelica


Preventive Medicine – Hygeia


Poison – Janguli (Knowledge of Poisons)

            Plant: black hellebore root, figs and rue, heliotrope, mistletoe


Rheumatic Cramps – Plant: willow leaves and bark


Seasickness – Plant: feverfew


Skin Eruptions – Plant: henbane, lesser celandine


Snake Bite – Janguli (Knowledge of Poisons), Aker


Vertigo – Plant: woody nightshade


Warts – Plant: beans, dandelions

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