Monday, May 10, 2021

🌈Spiritual Grounding Meditation🌈


You should do this meditation every time that you start to do any work with energy. It is an easy thing to do, but likewise, it is easy to forget to do it. So try and make it a routine to ground and protect yourself every single time you work. It will then start to become second nature to you, and you will eventually need to spend less time doing it because you become more proficient at it.
Grounding Roots
Start in a cleansed space. ~You can do this by smudging etc.
Make time. ~Ensure that you have enough time to complete the grounding completely without being disturbed.
Get yourself comfortable. ~Sit or lie down in a comfortable position.
Close your eyes.
Relax. ~Take some deep, slow breaths.
Feet. ~Keep them flat on the floor without socks and shoes is better.
Visualize your grounding. ~Here is where you can use some creativity. If you intend to ground and that is what you are thinking about, then you can use a wide variety of techniques. Here are some of my favourites...
Imagine tree roots coming from your feet. See them going into the ground, all the way down to the center of the Earth. (If you are sitting in the lotus position then you can visualize them coming from the root chakra). See those roots wrap around the center of the Earth.
See your feet in the sand. Imagine you were stood on a warm beach with your feet in the sand. See the water splashing over them, and really try to feel it. Feel the connection between you and the sand, water, and the Earth in general.
There are other ways to visualize grounding, but you can find whatever suits you. It is about intention, so providing that you do it with the right intention, it will work.
Physically Grounding
Doing physical grounding can be done whenever and wherever you feel appropriate. Some of the ways mentioned can still be done before and after any type of energy work.
Drink water. ~You need to sip it, with the intention to ground yourself. Feel the connection between the water and the Earth while you are drinking it.
Eating. ~Eating is an easy way to ground; however, like drinking, you have to have this as an intention.
Stomp your feet. ~A fun way to ground yourself; however, remember you may look like you are having a tantrum!
Nature. ~Nature is an excellent way to ground yourself. Take some time out, maybe take a picnic in a beautiful park.
Walking barefoot. ~Using this is a little like the visualization technique, but feeling the physical connection between your feet and the ground will do the same.
Exercise. ~Not only is this good for your physical health, but it is also perfect for your spiritual health too.
To add to the lists above, you can either incorporate crystals and stones into your rituals, or you can have them as added help throughout your day. Here is a list of crystals that are good for grounding...
Chrysoberyl ~This stone will ground and protect you at the same time!
Aragonite ~This stone is particularly good at grounding people with the “floaty” feeling.
There is many more but it is up to you to find what works for you, these are just a few ideas.
Love and blessings,
HPs Gypsy~Love

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