Thursday, September 5, 2024

“Rainy days should be spent at home with a cup of tea and a good book.” ― Bill Watterson, The Calvin and Hobbes Tenth Anniversary Book

 You came naked.

You will go naked.
You came in weak.
You will come out weak.
You came without money or things.
You will leave without money or things.
Your first meal? Someone is feeding you.
Your last meal? Someone will feed you.
Your first bath? Somebody washed you.
Your last bath? Somebody will wash you.
That's how life is..
So why so much hate, so much selfishness, so much envy, so much resentment and bad energies.
We will all go empty-handed, all the material we have earned, we have earned it here, and we will leave it all here.
The only thing that will accompany you, what you really gained here is the love you shared, the compassion you showed, the humility, your gratitude, your help, your kindness.
That's the legacy you will leave here that everyone will follow.
We have very short time on this Earth, don't waste it in uselessness and frustration.
Live now and here.
That's the way of our ancestors.
That's the way all living beings should be.
Art and words shared from El Sendero Del Chaman Quien Elige El Camino Del Corazón No se Equivocanunca

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