Friday, July 9, 2021

Great Mystery and the ‘Re’:


In her book: ‘The Sacred Path,’ Jamie Sams wrote: “…Great Mystery will continue to confound and astound us every time we try to figure it all out. Stop your mind’s chatter and listen to the Source. Original Source shows us that the Mystery lives within us and contains all the answers we need to find along The Sacred Path.”

How true her words are! We are each here with a purpose, one that is ours to ‘Re.’ Just what do I mean by ‘Re?’ I mean we’re to re-member, to re-recall, to re-assemble the pieces of who we re-ally are. And just what does that mean? Well, we’re divine beings that are animating human bodies and the minute we re-embrace that truth we re-call how powerful we re-ally (or align) are we also re-member that we are co-creators.

We came with a purpose and that purpose is three-fold: First we had to re-learn who we were; secondly we had to re-call the purpose or our contribution to this world of form, and thirdly we had to re-assemble ourselves knowing we had lessons to learn and work to do.

Those lessons often come in the form of mistakes. Some we’ve already made, others we’re yet to encounter. Mistakes are a part of life and they include the experiences we’ve had and will have. It is inclusive of all the things we have allowed to make us feel ashamed, guilty, sinful, unworthy, incompetent, or some other negative, toxic self-image that we have had to overcome or are still working at.

The lessons are meant to challenge us as we re-assemble ourselves in a more positive light by forgiving our mistakes, those who may have hurt us, and being grateful for all they taught us. You see, those lessons have taken us through the forge, placed us in and pulled us out of the fire of creation, dipped us in the waters of life that temper us and produce a finely polished work of art.

All the while that was happening our human counterpart needed to re-cognize that those experiences were meant to open our eyes so we could see ourselves as a Divine Being. In that sense, the human is the husk to the seed within and the Divine Being is the seed of the Great Mystery, the likeness of the Creator and the Source of All That Is. We are the seeds; we are the ones we’re waiting for; we are the saviors of ourselves and the world we live in.

Allow me to ask you: What does your heart cry out for you to do? Where is your passion? What do you love most to do? The answers are the key will unlock the door (or doors) to fulfilling your destiny. Give yourself permission to turn the key and unlock the latch. Step across the threshold and enter into your destiny by embracing it, living it, becoming it, being authentic and stop the berating of yourself—it is so unnecessary.

You’re far more than the mistakes you’ve made, far more. You, my friends, are a magnificent catalyst of evolutionary change and you are evolving every moment of every day. Be aware. Be all you can be. You are a beautiful, powerful spirit. Re-member, for you stand in your own light. It’s up to you to make it shine…it’s up to you to become a beacon!

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