Thursday, August 5, 2021

Eternal Happiness

 Eternal Happiness

There is a happiness within you that is natural to your being. This happiness was here long before you even acknowledged yourself as the person you see yourself as today.

There is a happiness within you that naturally flows from being yourself. If you feel that happiness is a fleeting thing in your life it might be time to look at your thoughts and actions and see if they line up with your highest truth.

By highest truth I mean the things that resonate in your heart to do with your time. Instead of doing what we have been conditioned to do or what makes sense logically to do, we can mix our logic with out intuitive prowess and come up with higher choices in real time.

Stop struggling to be happy and realize that happiness is not an object you must obtain or a feeling you must be lead to but your natural state when you simply stop being pulled by your thoughts and sense perceptions.

Everything is in the right place. Trust in the process and divine timing. This will teach you patience.

Are you ready to confront truth?

Nobody knows when it's their time to go.

Make sure you make truth a priority.

Who made beauty beautiful?

Keep your senses open.

Notice how nothing is taking care of them. Completely natural.

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