Monday, August 9, 2021



@Ted Scanon
The following ritual/meditation is one I have used to connect with Hecate and found it to be, without exception, very effective.

The post after this will recount how I used it as a guided meditation for 2 other women & what transpired.

This is part of the greater mystery that is Hecate's
kingdom. I would not suggest that this Witch of all
Witches be taken lightly, and be careful what magic you
conduct in relation to Her.....ask for only what you need
& nothing more.

You'll need:

A black candle
Sandalwood or myrrh incense
A bit of, or a mixture of, any of the following, to be burned
in your censer.....lavender, garlic, mint, sage, cloves or

Cast your circle as usual. Light your candle & incense.

Start hitting the ground or floor with your palms. Speak
quietly at first, then get louder. Let that primal feeling
envelop you.

"Hecate, Hecate,
Hear what I say!
Goddess of the Crossroads,
I wish to enter Your abode!
You are the Guide of souls that depart.....
I call upon You Lady, hear what's in my heart!"

Add your mix to & light it in your censer. Be LOUD
now.....bring that Goddess up from the Underworld…..

"I wish to talk with You, my Queen,
To learn sweet wisdom, mysteries unseen.
I ask to enter Your world & stay for a while.....
To speak & to exchange a smile.
Keeper of the Keys, lend me Your insight,
Lead me into the shadows,
Into Your darkened night."

Sit quietly now. Darkness that has shape & indefinable
form, swirls around you. It begins to slowly dissipate &
you find yourself sitting in a Circle in a clearing, surrounded
by a forest on all sides. It is dusk. The air is brisk, but not
cold. A fire is burning in the center of the circle & you can
smell the wood burning & the heady scent of pine resin. A
large cauldron hangs over the fire & simmers fluidly. The
scent of sage fills your head. The air becomes still & you
hear nothing except the creatures of the night beginning
to stir.

The energy level shifts up a notch & you feel as though
you're being watched.....and by more than 1 set of eyes.
A sudden wind gusts across your face. You hear a slight
rustling in the forest, tree branches begin to move, although
now there is no wind. The forest appears to open & from
it, walks 3 large black dogs, their coats so glossy, the fur
almost seems to undulate with a life of its own. They trot
into the circle on soundless feet, their eyes boring into you.
Their appearance is unsettling, but you don't feel afraid.
The dogs sit, each looks in a different direction, patiently

A swirling, twisting wind howls out from within the
woodland & dances into the circle, & people start walking
out of the forest. Friends & family who have crossed over
from, your life (and perhaps from a previous one) come into
the circle. Sit quietly & see if anyone comes up to talk to
you. If so, you may be given an opportunity to make
amends or say what was left unsaid at the time of their
passing. If nobody comes to speak to you, that's fine.
Their presence is to say that you are never truly alone.

An owl hoots 3 times & out of the corner of your eye,
you watch as some densely positioned trees part of their
own accord & a woman steps out with an owl on
Her forearm. As She walks toward you, you're struck by Her eyes.....warm, brown pools that are filled with wisdom.

In Her right hand is a yew staff, with a crystal glittering at
the top & there are ornate keys on leather strips that hang
down from it. You can feel the power emanating from this
woman, and you realize that this is Hecate.

She raises Her arm & the owl flies from Her to you. You
Instinctively lift your arm & the owl lights on it. Listen to
the owl for any wisdom it might share. Whether it speaks
to you or not, after a bit, the owl flies off into the twilight.

In a few moments, Hecate walks toward the circle & as
She does, you see Her body & face shimmer & shift.
Alternately changing from maid to mother to old woman.
These are the varied aspects of Hecate, as She is Three &

She may walk toward you. Once She reaches you, Her face & body stop transforming & She appears as you see Her. You look
into Her eyes & see a blazing torch & you know that
you hold it within you to light your way out of the

If She permits it, speak with Her. Be careful with
this Witch.....she is most powerful & will brook no
nonsense. She takes you by the hand & leads you to
the cauldron, motioning for you to peer into it to see
what you need to see or need to know.

After you're done, She brings you back to where you were sitting &
you see that everyone is gone, including the hounds. You
look out to the forest's edge & there they sit, awaiting
their Mistress. And all around the dogs are all manner
of forest creatures.....deer, rabbits, raccoons, possum,
bear, skunk, squirrels, chipmunks & the like. Several
wolves pace restlessly in front.

Hecate smiles & silently assures you that all will be
well. You realize, at just that moment, that She has
always been with you. She turns to leave, lifts Her arm
& the owl reappears on silent wings to land on it. The alpha
wolf begins to howl & his mate joins in with him, with the
rest of the pack completing the chorus, taking up the cry.

Hecate approaches them & with a gentle hand motion,
silences their song & bends to ruffle the top of the alpha
wolf's head. Then she walks into the forest, the dogs
enclosing Her in a triangle formation, and the animals
following soundlessly.

Once She is gone, you sit in silence & mull over this
magical night. The dogs begin howling from within the
woodlands & this breaks you from your meditative state.

Do whatever spell work or divination you had planned
& close your circle as usual.

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