Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Seven Eagles


I remember the day when I first looked into the sky, there were seven Eagles joined in a circular search for prey. I took that as my cue to take my individual experiences and perceive them from the perspectives of each of the seven sacred directions. That’s a pretty deep look at everything but I also knew that my morning prayers were heard and were going to be answered in this manner somehow.

There's magic in the air and it’s always fantastic to start my day that way. Now I'm off to see what is yet to be discovered and where can I grow from what I’m gifted to witness? How can I share it with another or incorporate it in the knowledge I will share with others at some point? Well, my first attempt at that is right here sharing this insight with you. You’re welcome to join me in doing the same.

Just as a nurturing rain falls upon a thirsty and parched land and the eager vegetation drinks it in, where it blessed the creatures filling runnels, streams and rivers, the ponds and lakes, before returning to the oceans of the world to refresh them too…it falls upon us. Do you feel blessed by the rains that fall in your life? We tend to scurry for cover most of the time, but when you see it as a blessing you allow it to fall on you and open to it. Things take on a different perspective then. To the Cherokee, Water is First Medicine. It’s said that tears wash our spirit clean; experience shows us this is true. When we cry our tears we release our grief and pain. Birthing waters bring us careening into life and the rains that fall wash us along with everything else. Think about it.

What else nurtures us? Each elemental force has something to give us, something that will purify us, enlighten us with shared perceptions, and empower us to grow. What will the elements of life bring your way today? How can your intentions nurture in return? Observing these gentle to even torrential exchanges and how they foster that nurturance or hinder it allows us to experience many things that we can either incorporate in our own ways or perhaps avoid bringing forth in our natures. This observation may not be so small at all and you may just uncover some serious magic in your journey through today. Let’s grow together, shall we?!

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