Wednesday, January 13, 2021


 Have two or more people tie an apple on a string (horizontally around the apple with stem up). Swing the apples (now the stem will be pointing sideways). The person whose apple stays on the string the longest may make a wish.

After you eat an apple, take two of the seeds, hold them in your hand and make a wish. Stick an apple seed on each of your cheeks. If the seed on your left cheek falls off first, your wish will come true. If the one on your right cheek falls off first, the wish won't come true. Neither will it come true if you deliberately make movements with your left cheek to make that seed fall off first! You mustn't speak from the time you wish until the time the first seed falls.

Hold an apple's stem in one hand while you twist and turn the apple with the other. With each quarter-turn, count off the alphabet, 'A, B, C . . . ' When the stem breaks off, make a wish to marry someone whose last name starts with that initial.
(North Carolina)

If you can break an apple in half with your bare hands, you may make a wish to marry and it will come true.

If you slice an apple into equal halves without cutting or nicking a seed, your wish for love will come true.

Peel an apple in one long peel, make a wish, and throw the peel over your left shoulder. If it forms one of your own initials, your wish will come true.

Throwing a long apple peel over your shoulder is also a way to find out the first letter of your future sweetheart's name.

If you can eat a crab apple without frowning, you should make a wish as you swallow the last bite.

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