Thursday, January 21, 2021

Crystal/Mineral/Stone Of The Day

Tiger Eye.
Tiger Eye is a shimmering stone with combinations of brownish~yellow and golden colours. It is a chatoyant stone meaning that it shows bands of bright reflected light and gives off a silky luster with a “cat’s eye” effect. Tiger Eye is a Quartz replacement of Crocidolite (blue asbestos) and was first reported in 1892 by J.D. Dana, and was named after its appearance to an actual Tiger’s eye.
Tiger Eye gives off a strong solar energy and powerful vibrations of vitality, clarity, and creativity. It stimulates the first three chakras, keeping one grounded and calm while pushing one forward into physical action. It calls upon primal strength which energizes the body, strengthening the physical body. This stone also hugely boosts one’s willpower and creative energy giving one the desire to create and the vigor to carry these desires into the physical realm. It assists with overcoming fatigue and discouragement so that one can fully carry out the directives of the will. Tiger Eye is also a stone of mental clarity and balance, sharpening the intellect so that one may act effectively and practically. It enhances one’s logic, aids in balancing polarities, and opens one’s mind to paradoxes and the unknown. Tiger Eye is a great aid in disagreements, allowing one to see all sides even if they differ greatly.
I would highly recommended to carry Tiger Eye when taking part in difficult negotiations as it can enhance your willingness to reach an agreement and inspire a similar reaction from the opposite side. This also works well in relationships of all kinds as it assists in coming to a point of emotional harmony with others whatever the discourse. Tiger Eye can also helps one to establish spiritual balance and stamina, allowing one to stay grounded in their faith. It has also been used for thousands of years for protection.

Enhances grounding
Increases psychic skills
Encourages the rising of the kundalini through the chakras
Promotes energetic protection
Stimulates compassion
Aids you in sorting through details and completing tedious tasks
Helps you pull together many details in order to make sense of a whole
Aids in removing negative habits
Instills self~confidence and inner~strength (a personal empowerment stone)
Promotes equality and integrity
Stabilizes energy
Banishes depression
Heals the eyes
Balances disorders of the reproductive system
Aids in the energetic healing of broken bones
Helps you succeed on tests and exams
Encourages success in business meetings

Colours~Bands of shimmering gold, brown, bronze, and gray/black
Associated Chakras~2nd (Sacral Chakra) or 3rd (Solar Plexus Chakra)
Zodiac Signs~Virgo, Leo
Elements~Air, Earth
Companion Flowers~Yellow Coneflower
Companion Essential Oil~Sunflower
Companion Stone~Rainforest Jasper
Common Origins~South Africa, Australia
Love and blessings,
HPs Gypsy~Love

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