Wednesday, January 6, 2021

DId she know...

 Every morning I walk Jack I past this house.  We were told the woman who lived there took her own life.  I have loved this house since the day we moved to the neighborhood.  It always felt so enchanted and I believed a good Witch lived there.  Someone with a truly magical and creative soul.  I am so sad that she had such sadness in her  that would cause her to leave the earth by her own hand.  I only spoke with her a couple of times in passing, comments about the weather, normal neighborly stuff.  I wish I had told her how enchanting I found her home.  I wish I had befriended her.  

All too often we lose touch or miss chances to be a part of each other's lives.  We let life and nonsensical things get in the way.  Sometimes life just gets to crazy.  When we finally stop to take a breath or realize we hadn't heard from someone in a while we find out it is too late to reconnect.  This has happened way to often in my life.  It is so hard to find that balance between work, stuff we need to do, family, friends and time to nourish the self.

Many have spent the last two months in Quarantine/ at home/ social distancing.  That didn't mean they could not talk on the phone or write a letter.  Get back in touch with those we have lost touch with over time.  There are still plenty of restrictions to where we can go and socialize.  There is still time to pick up the phone or send that letter.  Even knock on a door and leave a baked good with a note that says "I am thinking of you"


I originally wrote this back in the spring.  Since her husband has removed the fairy lights.  I no longer see the big screen TV in the window when I walk by and much of the ivy that framed the house is gone.  I hope he is okay.  I know they had a dog or two.  Maybe he chose to move.  The house seems so sad now.  It is funny how a house can show emotions.

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